[kepler-users] R installation for Kepler 1.0.0 on Windows (bis)

JOHNER Jean 066030 Jean.JOHNER at cea.fr
Fri Jan 28 05:02:27 PST 2011

Dear Matt and Luis,

Thank you for your detailed answers.


A/ Kepler 1.0.0


1/ Case of R-2.6.2

   1.1/ With C:\Program Files\R\R-2.6.2\bin added to the Windows path (initial situation)

        - Rgui typed in a cmd windows launches the R window (I did no additional test inside this window) (OK)

        - Installing Kepler with kepler-win-1.0.0.exe, opening "00-StatisticalSummary.xml" and pressing the start button results in the error message described in my original mail.


   1.2/ Replacing in the Windows path C:\Program Files\R\R-2.6.2\bin with "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.6.2\bin" or C:\"Program Files"\R\R-2.6.2\bin

        - Rgui typed in a cmd windows launches the R window (OK)

        - Installing Kepler with kepler-win-1.0.0.exe, opening "00-StatisticalSummary.xml" and pressing the start button results in the error message


   1.3/ Replacing in the Windows path C:\Program Files\R\R-2.6.2\bin with C:\Progra~1\R\R-2.6.2\bin 

        - Rgui typed in a cmd windows launches the R window (OK)

        - Installing Kepler with kepler-win-1.0.0.exe, opening "00-StatisticalSummary.xml" and pressing the start button results in the error message


   1.4/ Replacing all the long directory names in the Windows path with the corresponding short names (obtained using dir /x) 

         - Rgui typed in a cmd windows launches the R window (OK)

         - Installing Kepler with kepler-win-1.0.0.exe, opening "00-StatisticalSummary.xml" and pressing the start button results in the error message


 2/ Case of R-2.12.1

    I uninstalled R-2.6.2, installed R-2.12.1

    I added C:\Progra~1\R\R-2.12.1\bin;C:\Progra~1\R\R-2.12.1\bin\i386 to the path

      - Rgui typed in a cmd windows launches the R window (OK)

      - R typed in a cmd windows does nothing visible (but gives no error)

      - Installing Kepler with kepler-win-1.0.0.exe, opening "00-StatisticalSummary.xml" and pressing the start button results in the error message


I am almost desperate !

Perhaps my PC has a hidden problem. I will try at home.


B/ Kepler 2.0


I tried to install Kepler 1.0.0 because it is the version installed on the EFDA-ITM gateway on which I am supposed to work (on the gateway, there is no error message when using R actors).

I was told that Kepler 2.0 and 2.1 were buggy and that people are working to install shortly a clean 2.2 version on the gateway.


Nevertheless, I also tried to install version 2.0 on my PC.

Doing the download, you get a Kepler-2.0-win.zip file which unzipps properly in a tree where I found no install exe.

Am I missing something ?


Hope that you busy people will find some time to read this long mail.


Best regards,


Jean Johner
















De : mbjones.89 at gmail.com [mailto:mbjones.89 at gmail.com] De la part de Matt Jones
Envoyé : jeudi 27 janvier 2011 17:51
À : JOHNER Jean 066030
Cc : kepler-users at kepler-project.org
Objet : Re: [kepler-users] R installation for Kepler 1.0.0 on Windows (bis)


Hi John,


I think you missed option 4:

   - The list is filled with busy people and it slipped through the cracks. Sorry.


But, to the point of your questions:


1) When we first shipped Kepler 1.0.0, there were two windows installers: one with R included, and one without to keep the download sizes lower.  You have the one without.  We don't ship the one with R because of the licensing implications of mixing GPL code with our BSD licensed software.  You can of course install it separately as you have done.

2) For R to work in Kepler, Kepler must be able to find it on the path.  Your approach should work, but the Windows path is a tricky thing.  Have you verified that you can run R from the command line and its found on the path? I suspect you have a problem with the space in the path to R -- maybe try quoting it, or try it with the 'Program Files' path component replaced with 'Progra~1'.  In any case, if Kepler can find R 2.6.2 on the path, it should work.


On a side note, why are you using Kepler 1.0.0?  Kepler 2 has been out for a while, has a lot of improvements and bug fixes over Kepler 1.0.0, and is supported.  There are known problems with the R support in Kepler 1.0.0 that were fixed in Kepler 2.  Can you upgrade?



On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 1:02 AM, JOHNER Jean 066030 <Jean.JOHNER at cea.fr> wrote:

Hello dear Kepler users,


I got no answer to the 2011-01-11 mail below.


Several possible explanations:

- I am the only Windows Kepler user !

- I am the only Windows Kepler user trying to install R

- This mailing list is not adequate for such a question


Could somebody give me a hint ?


Yours sincerely,


Jean Johner



De : JOHNER Jean 066030 
Envoyé : mardi 11 janvier 2011 20:08
À : 'kepler-users at kepler-project.org'
Objet : R installation for Kepler 1.0.0 on Windows




I am new to Kepler. Sorry if my problem has been overposted.


I first installed Kepler 1.0.0 on Windows XP from https://kepler-project.org/users/downloads.

After opening the 00-StatisticalSummary.xml workflow in C:\Program Files\Kepler-1.0.0\demos\getting-started and pressing the Run button, I get the following message : 


« There has been a problem launching the R application !

It may be that R is not installed on your system, or it

may not be on your path and cannot be located by Kepler.

Please make sure R is installed and the R command line

executable is in the path. For more information, see 

section 8.2.2 of the KeplerUser Manual .»


Reading section 2.2.2 of the UserManual, we see :


5. Choose the packs to install: Base, R (2.6.2), Sources. The Base pack is required.

The Sources pack contains the application source code which, if installed, allows

you to build Kepler yourself. We recommend that you select all three (the

default), which installs the Kepler software and source and R on your system.


Unfortunately, only the Base and Sources packages are proposed in kepler-win-1.0.0.exe.


So, I installed R-2.6.2 independently, added "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.6.2\bin" to the Windows path and reinstalled Kepler.


But the above message is still there in the same conditions.


Questions :

1/ why is the R (2.6.2) package absent from the installation exe

2/ what is wrong in the above explained work-around.


Best regards.


Jean Johner 

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