[kepler-users] Vergil as a GUI lib

Edward A. Lee eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Aug 3 08:40:28 PDT 2010

Volume 2 of the Ptolemy documentation describes the
software architecture in quite a bit of detail. I would
provide a link, but the website appears to be down right now.
If you go to http://ptolemy.org and look for documentation,
you can find it.

The short story is that the software is divided roughly as

Ptolemy core: kernel, actor, data, graph, and math packages.
These do not depend on anything else and provide the infrastructure.

Ptolemy domains: sdf, pn, continuous, etc.
These depend on the core and provide the execution engines.

MoML: This provides the XML syntax.

diva: This provides enhancements to swing that are generic
GUI capabilities. It does not depend on anything else.

Vergil: This provides the graphical editor. It depends
on everything else.


On 8/3/10 1:39 AM, Katarzyna Bylec wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm investigating usage of MoML + Ptolemy II as a base for workflow
> description and processing. Something similar to what Kepler does, but
> in somehow different design - I'd like to get the "core" of solutions
> already existing and reuse them in different configuration.
> My question is about graphical presentation of MoML. In documentation of
> Ptolemy II Vergil is described as a GUI _application_ and what I'm
> looking for is just a library, not whole Swing environment.
> Is it possible to extract only the "core" processing part from Vergil
> (without the presentation layer of this app - all the Swing controls)?
> If so - is there any documentation about it? Where should I start -
> which packages should I look to in the source code?
> Regards,
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