[kepler-users] Vergil as a GUI lib

Katarzyna Bylec katis at man.poznan.pl
Tue Aug 3 01:39:32 PDT 2010


I'm investigating usage of MoML + Ptolemy II as a base for workflow 
description and processing. Something similar to what Kepler does, but 
in somehow different design - I'd like to get the "core" of solutions 
already existing and reuse them in different configuration.

My question is about graphical presentation of MoML. In documentation of 
Ptolemy II Vergil is described as a GUI _application_ and what I'm 
looking for is just a library, not whole Swing environment.

Is it possible to extract only the "core" processing part from Vergil 
(without the presentation layer of this app - all the Swing controls)? 
If so - is there any documentation about it? Where should I start - 
which packages should I look to in the source code?

Katarzyna Bylec
    Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
    61-704 Poznan, ul. Noskowskiego 10 POLAND

    e-mail: katarzyna.bylec at man.poznan.pl
    skype:  k_bossetti

P.S. Sorry for crossposting.

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