[kepler-dev] Kepler + NetBeans
Michal Owsiak
michal.owsiak at man.poznan.pl
Tue Sep 14 00:58:32 PDT 2010
Hello all,
I have NetBeans related question.
In developers guide there is a statement that
ant netbeans
should produce NetBeans project.
I am working with kepler-1.0 and after creating projects for NetBeans
there are many reference related errors.
Is netbeans ant target used at all or should I use some other way to get
kepler-1.0 working within NetBeans?
Thanks in advance for the support.
Michal Owsiak <michal.owsiak at man.poznan.pl>
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Noskowskiego 12/14, 61-704 Poznan, POLAND
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