[kepler-dev] TagManager

Ngu, Anne Hee Hiong angu at txstate.edu
Sun Aug 1 13:54:26 PDT 2010

Thanks Matt.

I only intend to check out the Kepler trunk and do not know why it needed the tagging class. 
Anyway, I followed your instruction and changed to tagging suite and now it does not throw that exception.

From: mbjones.89 at gmail.com [mbjones.89 at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Matt Jones [jones at nceas.ucsb.edu]
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 2:51 PM
To: Ngu, Anne Hee Hiong
Cc: kepler-dev at kepler-project.org
Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] TagManager

Hi Anne,

The tagging module is a separate module.  You should be able to check out the main kepler suite and build without any references to the tagging module, or you can switch to the tagging suite and use that.  Did you use the Kepler build system commands for switching from one suite to another, as described here:

If you've already checked out the build-area module as described in those instructions, then you should be able to just switch to kepler, update, and build:

ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler
ant update
ant run

If instead you want to use the tagging suite, then specify that:
ant change-to -Dsuite=tagging
ant update
ant run


On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Ngu, Anne Hee Hiong <angu at txstate.edu<mailto:angu at txstate.edu>> wrote:
I just checked out the latest kepler trunk on my Mac. When I did an "ant run", it threw the following exception. Is tagging no part of the trunk?
What other modules do I need to check out to resolve that problem?

   [run] Kepler Initializing...
     [run] INFO  (org.kepler.objectmanager.library.LibraryManager:buildLibrary:332) Building Library...
     [run] INFO  (org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.LocalRepositoryManager:scanReposForKarFiles:246) Scanning Local Repositories for KAR files...
     [run] INFO  (org.kepler.kar.KARCacheManager:synchronizeKARCacheWithLocalRepositories:374) The Cache is in sync with KAR files in Local Repositories.
     [run] getAllRspnsElement  is null
     [run] ERROR (org.kepler.gui.MenuMapper:getActionFor:271) Exception trying to create an Action for classname: <org.kepler.tagging.TagManagerAction>:
     [run] null (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.kepler.tagging.TagManagerAction)

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