[seek] Summary of Status Reports for 27 September 2004

Steve Tekell stekell at lternet.edu
Tue Sep 28 09:26:02 PDT 2004

Status reports for this week are now complete:

Here's a summary:

    *  EOT
          o BEAM Meeting (last week)
          o upcoming KNB and RCN Training

    * KR/SMS group
          o More editing enhancements to Growl

    * Taxon group
          o Continued work on the Taxonomic Concept editor application
          o Preparing for TDWG meeting presentations
          o LSID authority working with launchpad

    * Kepler group
          o Re-classification of Kepler actor library
          o Extending ontology search in Kepler

    * EcoGrid group
          o Working on EcoGrid Web Interface for metadata based EcoGrid
queries and as well as similar functionality using Metacat Pathquery (for

And please remember to submit your weekly status reports by the end of
Monday.  Also, please put statements into context by referencing the
relevant project or application.  I personally don't know who's working on
what each each week, so a statement like "enhanced search results to support
sorting" by itself would leave me clueless as to what got this enhancment.

  Submit Status Report page
  Status Reports page

Steve Tekell       
SEEK-Web              http://seek.ecoinformatics.org

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