[seek] summary of status reports for 20 Sept 2004

Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Sep 21 11:18:11 PDT 2004

Here's the summary of reports for this week. I received 8 reports this week.


*  Kepler group
       o The new QueryBuilder has now been incorporated into Kepler
         and allows arbitrary SQL queries against EML-described
         data sources that can be downloaded from EcoGrid
       o Discussing significant overhaul to how the underlying
         file management infrastructure for Kepler works so that we
         can better manage Kepler actors and composite actors on disk
         and EcoGrid

* KR/SMS group
       o More editing enhancements to Growl

* EcoGrid group
       o Working on registry implementation, registry incorporation
         in Kepler, and DarwinCore result support in Kepler

* Taxon group
       o Continued work on the Taxonomic Concept editor application
       o Preparing for TDWG meeting presentations
       o Further work on getting LSID server running

Matt Jones                                     jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Fax: 425-920-2439    Ph: 907-789-0496
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California Santa Barbara
Interested in ecological informatics? http://www.ecoinformatics.org

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