[SEEK-Taxon] priority order for Taxonomic Object Service implementation

Stewart, Aimee Marian astewart at ku.edu
Fri Mar 26 08:44:20 PST 2004

Here is the priority order for implementation of the public interfaces to the Taxonomic Object Service.  We hope to have numbers 1 through 7 implemented with rudimentary algorithms by e-Science.  

1. getConcept - takes a GUID and returns a concept
2. findConcept - takes a partially filled out Taxonomic Exchange Schema (TES) and returns a list of concepts weighted according to the chosen similarity algorithm.
3. compareConcept - takes 2 GUIDs and returns a measure of similarity according to the chosen similarity algorithm.
4. enterProviderData - allows input of concepts and relationships from a particular provider into the Taxon Cache.
5. editRelationship - add, delete or edit a relationship between concepts for a particular provider.
6. findRelatedConcept - find parents or children at a certain distance from a given concept (grandparents, grandchildren, etc) according to a particular provider.
7. measureRelationship - takes 2 GUIDs and returns a measure of the relationship according to the chosen relate algorithm.
8. compareConceptRelationships - takes a 2 concepts and 2 providers and compares their positions within their respective trees according to the chosen relate algorithm.
9. compareConceptLists - more discussion is needed on the requirements for this method.  Previously implemented methods should form the basis for the implementation.

The architecture diagram needs to be only slightly modified and is still at http://seek.speciesanalyst.net/ow.asp?TaxonPublicInterfaces.  This diagram explains more fully the input and output parameters and the purpose behind each method.  

We will update the web site at http://www.ittc.ku.edu/SEEK and email the group as we complete portions of the latest version.  The architecture diagram and class hierarchy for implementation of the public interfaces is linked from here.  We have established a policy of task-level commits to CVS.  When checking out the /SEEK/projects/taxon/src directory, everything needed to build and create current documentation should be included.  Please let us know if there are any problems reproducing our working environment.  


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