[SEEK-Taxon] Re: GUID

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp
Wed Mar 17 15:27:57 PST 2004

Hi Jessie,

thanks for clear explanation.  I understand what SEEK-Taxon recognise.
There can be methodologies ranging from uBIO/TNS style, i.e. giving
taxon concept ID (to scrutnised entries?), to Rich and we
Nomencurator, i.e. all name usages/assertions are distinguished.
Two layer model as a combination of these two extremes could be yet
another way.  I have strong feeling that we need a taxonomy of data
entries from multiple databases, just like we use multiple sepecimen
to compose a species concept.  A composit record is another assertion
made by semi-automatic algorithm based on/limited by  available
evidences (i.e. records), of course....

> I hope you're going to make it to Edinburgh to be part of these
> discussions......

I'm keeping a window in my dirary for the period, but it is unlikely
that I can find appropriate funding to cover travel expense.  

Dr. Nozomi "James" Ytow
Institute of Biological Sciences / Gene research center
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572

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