[SEEK-Taxon] Re: lab meeting presentation about taxonomic data model

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu Mar 4 17:10:00 PST 2004

Dear Xianhua,

it is a good sammary of data models!

Berendsohn's model should contain relationship between a name and a
reference; otherwise it can't manage potential taxa.
It would be better to refer to the Berlin model instead of IOPI.

I'm very impressed with analysis of inter-concept relationship.
Nomecurator covers nomenclatural and logical relationship by NameUsage
(it was called as NameRecord in our papar) object (or table, depending
on object oreiented or relationsal terminology), while  operational
and phylogenetic relationship by Annotation object (or table).


Dr. Nozomi "James" Ytow
Institute of Biological Sciences / Gene research center
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572

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