[obs] OBOE master file

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at nescent.org
Wed Oct 27 07:56:10 PDT 2010

Mark or Matt or whoever else happens to know: Where can I find the  
latest OWL master file of the OBOE ontology, and is there a project  
home page?

What I was able to find (using Google) is this:

- http://cvs.ecoinformatics.org/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/seek/projects/kr-sms/kr/ontologies/OBOE/Observation.owl?content-type=text/xml

	CVS, with last commit Jan 30, 2008

- https://sonet.ecoinformatics.org/semtools-svn/oboe/

	presumably SVN, but the link to oboe.owl returns a page not found

- https://semtools.ecoinformatics.org/repository/dev/oboe/oboe.owl

	which is linked to from Semtools:

	Apparently last svn commit also from Jan 30, 2008. This advertises  
itself under namespace http://ecoinformatics.org/oboe/oboe.0.9

- http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/44258

	This advertises itself as "Version 1.0 pre-release" and namespace

	The Bioportal page gives the Semtools page as homepage, but the two  
ontology versions actually differ quite a bit from browsing through it  
in Protege.

So, which one is the master, and where is it documented clearly what  
the master is? Also, any plans in taking down those versions that are  
no longer developed?

(And Cam, which version are you using?)

: Hilmar Lapp  -:- Durham, NC -:- informatics.nescent.org :

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