[kepler-users] not a stupid question (well, maybe)

McNyset.Kristina@epamail.epa.gov McNyset.Kristina at epamail.epa.gov
Wed Jan 18 15:40:01 PST 2006

Hi All,

Deanna and Samantha encouraged us to send our Kepler questions to this 
group, even though we may feel a bit stupid about the simplicity of the 
question.  So, here goes:

I'm trying to run the ENM workflow "18. GARP Single Species Best RuleSet - 
Local Files".  I can't get it to run, even with the defaults unchanged.  I 
get an Exception error that says "Problem writing input ' in 
.GARP_SingleSpecies_BestRuleSet_Nov2005.V - Calculate 
Omission/Commission.RExpression Because: The pipe has been ended"

Can anybody tell me what "the pipe has been ended" is all about?

Also, if I want to change the Data Directory, what's the convention?  I 
tried just pasting in a new file path, but it choked.  It seems like I 
need to have some sort ("Name")+ structure, but I'm not sure.



Kristina McNyset, Ph.D.
McNyset.Kristina at epa.gov
Phone:  541-754-4807
Fax:       541-754-4716
200 SW 35th St. 
Corvallis, OR 97333
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