[kepler-users] not a stupid question (well, maybe)

Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Jan 18 15:55:12 PST 2006

Hi Kris,
   "The pipe has ended" is often an indication that R is not set up on 
the machine. Do you have R installed and can it be executed from the 
command line?

    And there are no 'stupid questions' so feel free to pass on any 
questions. Let me look at your other ones; I will get back on them.

Dan Higgins

McNyset.Kristina at epamail.epa.gov wrote:

> Hi All,
> Deanna and Samantha encouraged us to send our Kepler questions to this 
> group, even though we may feel a bit stupid about the simplicity of 
> the question.  So, here goes:
> I'm trying to run the ENM workflow "18. GARP Single Species Best 
> RuleSet - Local Files".  I can't get it to run, even with the defaults 
> unchanged.  I get an Exception error that says "Problem writing input 
> ' in .GARP_SingleSpecies_BestRuleSet_Nov2005.V - Calculate 
> Omission/Commission.RExpression Because: The pipe has been ended"
> Can anybody tell me what "the pipe has been ended" is all about?
> Also, if I want to change the Data Directory, what's the convention? 
>  I tried just pasting in a new file path, but it choked.  It seems 
> like I need to have some sort ("Name")+ structure, but I'm not sure.
>  Thanks,
> Kris
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Kristina McNyset, Ph.D.
> McNyset.Kristina at epa.gov
> Phone:  541-754-4807
> Fax:       541-754-4716
> 200 SW 35th St.
> Corvallis, OR 97333
>Kepler-users mailing list
>Kepler-users at ecoinformatics.org

Dan Higgins                                  higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195

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