[kepler-users] Zero-delay loop in DE domain

Maurice Yarrow myarrow at nortel.com
Wed Jan 18 13:03:41 PST 2006

Hello Kepler Users

(With respect to my previous email concerning Zero-delay loop in DE

OK, I found reference to the TimedDelay actor in the DE DomainSpecific
library of actors.  But where do I find this library in Kepler ?

I do have all of ptolemy5.0.1 compiled.  But is this actor actually
present in the Kepler actor library somewhere ?  Will I have to write my
own delay actor (as per the rough functional description of TimedDelay
actor in the third volume of the ptolemy documentation PDFs) ?   Can I
move a copy of the Java code for the TimedDelay actor from the ptolemy
tree to the Kepler tree, register is in annotations.owl and in
basicKeplerActorLibrary.xml and then simply compile and run ?  Or is
this not necessary ?

Maurice Yarrow
Nortel Networks Research Labs
Santa Clara
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