[kepler-dev] new upload functionality

Chad Berkley berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Mar 9 15:07:48 PST 2006

Hi Kepler-dev,

I've implemented the upload capability for putting actors on the 
ecogrid.  You can now right click on an actor and select "upload actor 
to repository" and the actor will be put into a kar file, then sent to 
the ecogrid.  This should also work for directors, but because of some 
technical details, i haven't gotten that working yet.

I have a test repository running right now on my machine.  The address 

You can see all of the actors that I have uploaded.  You can also click 
on them to get rudimentary information about the actor as well as to 
download the kar file.  I have not yet implemented downloading or 
searching from within kepler, but you can download the kar file from the 
repository site, then put it in your kar/actors directory and the system 
should load the actor.  Note that because we do not yet have a 
centralized LSID server, the ids generated are not going to be unique 
which can cause problems.  I'll be working on the lsid system next to 
work that out.

Please take a look at this and give me any feedback you have.  The 
repository web page will be more informative when we have some 
documentation in the actor metadata.


PS, note that because the server running the repository is my desktop 
machine, i reserve the right to wipe the database at any time, so don't 
upload stuff and expect it to stay there :)  I'll try to get this 
running on a production machine as soon as I work out the lsid issues.

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