eml2 question

Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Mar 17 08:20:35 PST 2003

Hey Dan,

Sorry for the delay while I was on vacation.

The frequency information is no longer broken out in a separate field 
because we felt the issue was more complex than our structures in beta6 
allowed.  Thus, you'll just need to put the frequency information in 
with the rest of the description of the sampling extent, possibly 
concatenating with other information to do so.

The information belongs in the field:

Let me know if you have any questions.


Dan Higgins wrote:
> Matt,
>    The eml2 'methods/sampling' element has no explicit child for 
> entering 'frequency' information, while the emlbeta6 system has a 
> 'frequency'' child of the sampling element. Is this change deliberate? 
> There is a coverage child under studyExtent in eml2, but temporal 
> coverage does not allow frequency data (i.e. it contains time periods, 
> not rates)
> Dan

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