[Roundtable] NCEAS Roundtable: Alisan Amrhein

Mary Hunsicker hunsicker at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Apr 21 10:43:29 PDT 2014

Dear All,

Please join us for an NCEAS Roundtable this Wednesday, April 23rd at 
12:15 pm.

Alisan Amrhein
Master's Candidate, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management

will present a seminar on:

"Offshore wind energy in the context of multiple ocean uses on the 
Bermuda platform"**

Abstract:**Bermuda has established a set of policies to reduce its 
fossil fuel dependence, increase energy security, and reduce per capita 
greenhouse gas emissions.  To achieve these goals, the Government of 
Bermuda is considering offshore wind energy development on the Bermuda 
Platform. Through an analysis of wind data and energy development costs, 
we determined that the estimated levelized cost of offshore wind energy 
is significantly lower than the current electricity price paid by 
consumers, suggesting that offshore wind energy is an economically 
feasible option for Bermuda.  Minimizing the impact of offshore wind 
turbines on existing ocean uses and marine habitat necessitates the use 
of marine spatial planning in deciding the location for an offshore wind 
farm.  We used spatially explicit data on existing ocean uses and marine 
habitat to create a model that identifies areas of low risk of impact 
and simulates wind turbine placement scenarios.  Our demonstration of 
this model shows it's utility as a visualization and negotiation tool in 
a transparent multi-stakeholder planning process, enabling 
decision-makers to minimize socioeconomic and ecological impacts while 
achieving wind energy goals.

Project Team Members:Alisan Amrhein, Darrell Gregg, Tinya Hoang, Rahul 
Madhusudanan, and Casey O'Hara

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Roundtable meetings are held in the NCEAS lounge at the National Center 
for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 735 State Street, Suite 300 
(Directions <http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/contact>).

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