[kepler-users] Kepler and multiple instances in nogui mode - failing

Michal Owsiak michal.owsiak at man.poznan.pl
Tue May 22 02:24:16 PDT 2012

Hello Kepler team,

I have following issue.

I'd like to run multiple instances of the workflow at the same time. 
However, this execution mode fails.

I am attaching simple workflow (simple_workflow.xml)

I am starting it following way:

--- CUT start_workflow.sh ---
$KEPLER/kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -nocache simple_workflow.xml &
$KEPLER/kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -nocache simple_workflow.xml &
$KEPLER/kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -nocache simple_workflow.xml &
$KEPLER/kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -nocache simple_workflow.xml &
--- CUT ---

If you try to execute it in multiple parallel instances, you will 
receive errors similar to what I have:

[null] 980 ms. Memory: 493632K Free: 479782K (97%)
      [null] java.sql.SQLException: File input/output error: 
      [null] 	at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
[null] Command failed: ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: 
RecordingException: Error generating new LSID for workflow execution : null
      [null]   in .simple_workflow.TOP Provenance Recorder
      [null] ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: 
RecordingException: Error generating new LSID for workflow execution : null
      [null]   in .simple_workflow.TOP Provenance Recorder
      [null] 	at 

Question: is it possible to run multiple instances of the Kepler at the 
same time? How can one achieve that?

Question 2: is it possible to use database in server mode? How can I 
prepare this kind of setup?

Question 3: is it possible to change location of "KeplerData" and 
".kepler" for each running Kepler process?

Thanks in advance for the support



Michal Owsiak <michal.owsiak at man.poznan.pl>

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Noskowskiego 12/14, 61-704 Poznan, POLAND

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