[kepler-users] Kepler 2.3 - where have demo folders etc gone (Mac)

Jianwu Wang jianwu at sdsc.edu
Fri Jun 1 13:49:37 PDT 2012

Great. I'm glad you find them.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours

Jianwu Wang, Ph.D.
jianwu at sdsc.edu

Assistant Project Scientist
Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA, U.S.A.

On 6/1/12 1:28 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
> Ok, found it all by what you suggested. Thanks. Its all there.
> ANil
> On Jun 1, 2012, at 3:57 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>> Hi Anil,
>>      It's weird. If you can start Kepler 2.3, please click 'File->Open'
>> button. The default directory should be
>> $HOME/KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows/. You can change the directory to
>> be $HOME/KeplerData/workflows/module/outreach-2.2.0/demos/ from there.
>> Please let me know what you have. BTW: $HOME and ~ in mac both means
>> your home directory.
>> Best wishes
>> Sincerely yours
>> Jianwu Wang, Ph.D.
>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>> Assistant Project Scientist
>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>> University of California, San Diego
>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>> On 6/1/12 12:03 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>> Hi Jianwu
>>> There is no ~/KeplerData folder on my mac created with the latest 2.3 code. Hmm..
>>> WRT to Matlab - let me see if there is any issue - I just bundled the question in with this in case this was done&   you recalled. BTW the above is a FYI for the distribution of the code. I can certainly just copy over the demos from my past version.
>>> Anil
>>> On Jun 1, 2012, at 2:54 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>      You can find the demo folders at
>>>> ~/KeplerData/workflows/module/outreach-2.2.0/demos/. When Kepler 2.x
>>>> start, it will automatically create a KeplerData directory and copy demo
>>>> workflows of each Kepler module to that directory.
>>>>      I looked over of the discussions in our previous emails ( it has
>>>> been 2 years! :) ), to know your Matlab question. Would you please let
>>>> us know your current specification (version and bit info of matlab,
>>>> java), and whether you can run Matlab demo workflows correctly?
>>>> Best wishes
>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>> Jianwu Wang, Ph.D.
>>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>>> Assistant Project Scientist
>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>> On 6/1/12 7:12 AM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jianwu, Dan:
>>>>> I just downloaded version 2.3 on Mac and while it works fine, I don't see the demo directory and the documentation talks about KeplerData folder etc. All I got was the Keler folder&    the Kepler Modules folders in /Applications. There is no other reference on the website regarding demo folders and perhaps additional downloads.
>>>>> And has the 64 bit java issue been changed so that Matlab can work without invoking 32bit java?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ANil
>>>>> On Feb 17, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>>>      Thanks for your information. Now we know Java 1.6 in Mac 10.6.x has
>>>>>> both 32 bit and 64 bit. I remember the java 1.6 in my Mac 10.5.x only
>>>>>> has 64 bit.
>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>>> Jianwu Wang
>>>>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>>>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>>>> On 2/17/2010 4:04 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>>>>>> This java version is
>>>>>>> "1.6.0_17"
>>>>>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04-248-10M3025)
>>>>>>> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.3-b01-101, mixed mode)
>>>>>>> In the Java Preferences I put 32 bit choice first so this must be 32 bit (The preference just give 1.6 choices for 32 or 64 bit, and I just dragged and changed the order).
>>>>>>> I am using the default libptmatlab.dylib, not the 64 bit version you sent. The 3 steps are:
>>>>>>> Default Kepler setup release version 1.0
>>>>>>> Change of Java preference to start 32 bit version
>>>>>>> DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to Matlab.../maci.
>>>>>>> Anil
>>>>>>> On Feb 17, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>>>>>    Great news. Thanks for your test!
>>>>>>>>    Are you using java 1.6.0_17 32 bit? It is usually said that java 1.6 on Mac only have 64 bit and users have to choose 1.5 to use 32 bit java.
>>>>>>>>   Also which libptmatlab.dylibare you using now? The default one along with Kepler 1.0 or the one I sent you?
>>>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>>>>> Jianwu Wang
>>>>>>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>>>>>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>>>>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>>>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>>>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>>>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>>>>>> On 2/17/2010 2:32 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Daniel,
>>>>>>>>> That did the trick!!
>>>>>>>>> I changed the order of running of Java from 64 then 32 in Java Preferences app,  to the other way around and then voila it works very well.
>>>>>>>>> Specifically, I have Matlab 2008b, 32 bit, running on MacPro (Nehalem)  Mac OS 10.6.2 with Java in 32 bit  (version 1.6.0_17) and Kepler 1.0.0 - the MatLab expressions example.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you both for your help,
>>>>>>>>> Anil
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 17, 2010, at 1:53 PM, Daniel Crawl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>>>>>>> Do you have java 1.5 on your Mac? You can see which versions
>>>>>>>>>> of java are installed, and change the version, by running
>>>>>>>>>> /Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences.app.
>>>>>>>>>> Java 1.5 on the Mac is 32 bit and using it to run Kepler
>>>>>>>>>> will allow you to use the Matlab actor.
>>>>>>>>>> --dan
>>>>>>>>>> On 2/16/10 8:22 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>>>>>>>>    So you installed Mac 32 bit and java 64 bit on a 64 bit Mac machine. It's interesting to know Mac 32 bit can be installed on 64 bit Mac. The default ptmatlab.dyliblib is made for all 32 bit (Mac, Matlab and Java) and the new lib I sent is made for all 64 bit. I think that is why both lib do not work for you.
>>>>>>>>>>>    Unfortunately, I am on vacation and do not have Mac on hand to test. Sorry about it. Are you willing to wait for about one week? We will try to either send you new lib or the instructions on how to make the lib next week.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>>>>>>>> Jianwu Wang
>>>>>>>>>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>>>>>>>>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>>>>>>>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>>>>>>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/16/2010 7:51 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jianwu,
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Matlab install did not ask for a 64 or 32 bit version on install (Or I would have picked 64).
>>>>>>>>>>>> My mac is 10.6.2
>>>>>>>>>>>> java -version
>>>>>>>>>>>> java version "1.6.0_17"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04-248-10M3025)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.3-b01-101, mixed mode)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  From reading the Matlab releases, it seems that full 64 bit Matlab release was R2009b (the 2009a was a beta). So if I really do need Matlab running in 64 bit to use Kepler/Matlab interface, I will have to get R2009b or later. Do you agree? Does Kepler/Matlab really need 64 bit Matlab? Seems strange, if Matlab is running on the machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Matlab is running in 32 bit on my mac - because in Matlab typing "computer" gives the machine architecture and it gives maci - indicating that it is 32 bit.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Anil
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   If you do not have maci64 directory, usually it is because you didn't install Matlab 64 bit version. I do not have Mac and Matlab 64 bit on hand. Yet I think you should be able to see '64 bit' signal when you start Matlab. Or you can check it after you start Matlab.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Another to check I think is your Mac version. You get know your Mac version by steps at http://www.apple.com/support/mobileme/en/os_version.html. If your Mac version is 10.5.x, your Mac is 32 bit. If it is 10.6.x, you Mac should be 64 bit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Can you also check your java version by typing 'java -version' at console? Is it 64 bit or 32 bit?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   It is dependent on these information to know which Matlab library is needed by Kepler to invoke Matlab library. So please let us know your detailed configuration.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> P.S.: We are creating a web page on Kepler-project web site to explain these stuff. Hopefully, it can be online soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jianwu Wang
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/16/2010 5:13 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, thanks for the dev version tip. I will do this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But in following the first part - there is no /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci64, although Matlab works fine on my Mac (Nehalem). Is this library needed to be separately installed from mathworks or ???
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anil
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 16, 2010, at 12:13 AM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   The exception is still 64 bit problem. To work with Matlab 64 bit,  DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH need to be export as /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci64, not the usual /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci. Please re-export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and try Kepler again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Also from the exception message, you used the latest release Kepler version, namely 1.0, not the latest developing version which can be gotten by instructions in https://dev.kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/systems/build-system/extension-build-system. I'm not quite sure the location of the libptmatlab.dylib in Kepler 1.0. Please first replace the new libptmatlab.dylib I attached last email with the /Applications/Kepler-1.0.0/Kepler.app/Kepler/lib/libptmatlab.dylib. If it doesn't work, try create a new directory, namely ptolemy/matlab/, in $Kepler/lib and put the new libptmatlab.dylib there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jianwu Wang
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/15/2010 10:06 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jianwu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for the response. I did just that, and it didn't work. I also copied it to the suitable Matlab directory (the place that the UG says to make the link to). And the error says:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: There was a problem invoking the Ptolemy II Matlab interface.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The interface has been tested under Windows and Linux.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The interface requires that Matlab be installed on the local machine and that the ptmatlab shared library available.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Refer to $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/makefile for more information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in .MatlabExpression.MatlabExpression
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Because:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Did not find 'ptmatlab' in path, searched user.home (/Applications/Kepler-1.0.0/Kepler.app/Kepler) user.dir (/Users/deane) and the classpath for 'ptmatlab.dylib', but that was not found either.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classpath was: .:./configs:./lib:./lib/images:./build/kepler.jar:./build/kepler-icons.jar Also tried loadLibrary("ptmatlab", exception for loadLibrary was: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Applications/Kepler-1.0.0/Kepler.app/Kepler/lib/libptmatlab.dylib:  Library not loaded: @loader_path/libeng.dylib   Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libptmatlab.dylib   Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.matlab.Expression.preinitialize(Expression.java:205)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Director.preinitialize(Director.java:865)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector.preinitialize(SDFDirector.java:527)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.preinitialize(CompositeActor.java:1103)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.preinitializeAndResolveTypes(Manager.java:913)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.initialize(Manager.java:578)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.execute(Manager.java:321)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.run(Manager.java:1071)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager$3.run(Manager.java:1112)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Did not find 'ptmatlab' in path, searched user.home (/Applications/Kepler-1.0.0/Kepler.app/Kepler) user.dir (/Users/deane) and the classpath for 'ptmatlab.dylib', but that was not found either.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classpath was: .:./configs:./lib:./lib/images:./build/kepler.jar:./build/kepler-icons.jar Also tried loadLibrary("ptmatlab", exception for loadLibrary was: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Applications/Kepler-1.0.0/Kepler.app/Kepler/lib/libptmatlab.dylib:  Library not loaded: @loader_path/libeng.dylib   Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libptmatlab.dylib   Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions.loadLibrary(UtilityFunctions.java:894)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.matlab.Engine.<clinit>(Engine.java:176)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.matlab.Expression.preinitialize(Expression.java:202)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ... 8 more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Expecting an absolute path of the library: ptolemy/matlab/ptmatlab
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:767)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at java.lang.System.load(System.java:1020)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions.loadLibrary(UtilityFunctions.java:781)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ... 10 more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Did not find 'ptmatlab' in path, searched user.home (/Applications/Kepler-1.0.0/Kepler.app/Kepler) user.dir (/Users/deane) and the classpath for 'ptmatlab.dylib', but that was not found either.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classpath was: .:./configs:./lib:./lib/images:./build/kepler.jar:./build/kepler-icons.jar Also tried loadLibrary("ptmatlab", exception for loadLibrary was: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Applications/Kepler-1.0.0/Kepler.app/Kepler/lib/libptmatlab.dylib:  Library not loaded: @loader_path/libeng.dylib   Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libptmatlab.dylib   Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture  /Applications/MATLAB_R2008b.app/bin/maci/libeng.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions.loadLibrary(UtilityFunctions.java:894)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.matlab.Engine.<clinit>(Engine.java:176)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.matlab.Expression.preinitialize(Expression.java:202)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Director.preinitialize(Director.java:865)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector.preinitialize(SDFDirector.java:527)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.preinitialize(CompositeActor.java:1103)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.preinitializeAndResolveTypes(Manager.java:913)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.initialize(Manager.java:578)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.execute(Manager.java:321)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager.run(Manager.java:1071)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.actor.Manager$3.run(Manager.java:1112)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Expecting an absolute path of the library: ptolemy/matlab/ptmatlab
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:767)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at java.lang.System.load(System.java:1020)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    at ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions.loadLibrary(UtilityFunctions.java:781)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ... 10 more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kepler runs fine otherwise (ie. other than the Matlab).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anil
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 15, 2010, at 6:05 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anil,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So you have Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard and Kepler downloaded from Kepler repository by instructions of https://dev.kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/systems/build-system/extension-build-system? So your java and Matlab is also 64 bit?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I know, Mac 10.6 is 64 bit system and Kepler mainly support 32 bit system. We met the similar problem when running Matlab actor on a Mac Snow Leopard machine, which is because of the library compiled in 32 bit system does not work with Matlab 64 bit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We got the lib working with 64 bit system (see attachment). Please replace this lib with the one in $Kepler/common/lib/ptolemy/matlab/  and try again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please let me know whether it works for you. Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jianwu Wang
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/15/2010 5:13 PM, Anil Deane wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [First Post. I have looked in  the user guide and in the Kepler matlab example]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could anyone please tell me how to get Kepler run a Matlab example on the Mac. The example and the user guide indicate that one just needs to have the dynamic library path (to maci) set properly. But that doesn't do it. I do have Matlab able to be run from the command prompt incidentally.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I searched and found - quite inscrutable - "directions" for patches that someone contributed (because Mac's install of Java is "nonstandard"). I have the latest Mac OS, and the latest Kepler. There are references to Ptolemy and a ptmatlab file when Kepler fails - but nowhere does Kepler user guide or site say that you need to install Ptolemy or that an installation of "ptmatlab" is needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anil Deane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [IntelMac 10.6.2]
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <libptmatlab.dylib>

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