[kepler-users] Not able to compile Trunk or Kepler-2.0

Jim Amrhein James.S.Amrhein at nasa.gov
Wed Sep 1 12:56:49 PDT 2010

Today, I checked out both the kepler-2.0 and trunk version of Kepler, 
using the instructions from the README.txt. No problems until I ran the 
following step:

ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler               (Trunk)
ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-2.0

Both run into the same problem:

[change-to] ptolemy revision: 58234
[change-to] svn co -r 58234 
[change-to] svn: Can't connect to host 'source.eecs.berkeley.edu': 
Connection refused

Which results  in the following errors when you try to run "ant compile"

package ptolemy.actor.gui does not exist
  [compile] import ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame;
  [compile]                         ^
package ptolemy.vergil.toolbox does not exist
  [compile] import ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction;

Any suggestions?


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