[kepler-users] Status of Kepler-2.0?

Tom Wainwright Thomas.Wainwright at noaa.gov
Wed Mar 31 09:36:10 PDT 2010


Yes, R is in my path.  Other R examples with plots work fine.  In fact, in 
00-StatisticalSummary.xml if I add a Display connected to the SummaryStatistics 
'output' port, I get a text display with the following R output:

R> setwd('/home/twain/.kepler/')
R> png(filename = 'SummaryStatistics1.png',width = 480, height = 480, pointsize 
= 12, bg = 'white')
R> x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
R> xmean = mean(x)
R> xstd = sd(x)
R> xvar = var(x)

So, I know R is running, but the Displays for the statistics all fail with the 
following errors (repeated 3 times, once for each Display):

Problem sending to output port! java.lang.NullPointerException
	at org.ecoinformatics.seek.R.RExpression.setOutputToken(RExpression.java:906)
	at org.ecoinformatics.seek.R.RExpression.getOutput(RExpression.java:791)
	at org.ecoinformatics.seek.R.RExpression.fire(RExpression.java:735)
	at ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor.iterate(AtomicActor.java:398)
	at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.fire(CompositeActor.java:400)
	at ptolemy.actor.Manager.iterate(Manager.java:688)
	at ptolemy.actor.Manager.execute(Manager.java:332)
	at ptolemy.actor.Manager.run(Manager.java:1071)
	at ptolemy.actor.Manager$3.run(Manager.java:1112)

If R 2.20.1 works for you, it may be another system config problem, maybe the 
64-bit OpenJDK with java 1.6.0??  The specific rpm I'm using is 

Anyway, as the example works fine under Kepler-2.0-RC1, I won't worry about it 
for now.


On 03/30/2010 06:51 PM, ben leinfelder wrote:
> Tom,
> While different versions of R do have subtle differences that can cause
> undesired behavior of the RExpression actor, I actually think it's not
> that esoteric of an issue that you're encountering.
> I've tried running the 00-StatisticalSummary.xml workflow with Kepler
> 1.0 and R 2.10.1 in the PATH on my system and it worked just fine.
> Can you verify that R is indeed on your PATH?
> Thanks,
> -ben
> On Mar 30, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Matt Jones wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> Kepler 2.0.0 is being prepared for release, and is going through
>> testing. For that purpose, we are developing a series of release
>> candidates. These will not be supported after 2.0.0 comes out, but any
>> issues you find with them would be valuable to report to kepler-dev to
>> improve the quality of the release. Discussion of the new release
>> occurs on kepler-dev rather than kepler-users.
>> For 1.0.0, the reason that you are probably having trouble is your R
>> version. Kepler 1.0.0 shipped with an earlier version of R (2.6.2),
>> and the R actor was fairly sensitive to the particular version used
>> (because different R versions serialize their output differently). I
>> believe that Ben has upgraded to R 2.10 for the 2.0.0 release series
>> (hopefully he'll confirm), which is why things probably work now for
>> you. This is just a guess on my part, but likely is related to the
>> problem. If you want 1.0.0 to work, install a parallel copy of the old
>> version of R and put it first on your path and I'll bet Kepler 1.0.0's
>> R functionality will work for you again.
>> Matt
>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Tom Wainwright
>> <Thomas.Wainwright at noaa.gov> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been trying to use Kepler 1.0.0 to organize some complicated
>> R-based analyses, and have run into some problems. In particular, the
>> "getting-started" example "00-StatisticalSummary.xml" produces no
>> output, and results in NullPointerException errors in the RExpression
>> class. (It worked last year, but not now--I am currently running
>> Fedora-11 x86_64 Linux, with R version 2.10.1 and java version
>> "1.6.0_17" OpenJDK.)
>> Poking about, I found Kepler-2.0-RC1 on
>> http://dist.kepler-project.org/dist. I downloaded and ran it, and my
>> problem seems to be fixed.
>> I haven't seen any public announcement about availability of the RC.
>> Is this something that is useable at this point? For learning and
>> early development, should I go ahead and use it, assuming bugs will be
>> fixed in the near future?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Tom Wainwright
>> NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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>> reflect any position of the Government or the National Oceanic and
>> Atmospheric Administration.
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Tom Wainwright
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Newport, Oregon
The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily
reflect any position of the Government or the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration.

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