Josep Morer Muñoz josep.morer at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 09:26:23 PST 2010

Thanks for your reply Ben. Another question:

Can be the KAR file generated, for example, using command line like when you
run a workflow? I would like to integrate all these steps and automatize
them, instead using the gui.


2010/3/1 ben leinfelder <leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu>

> Josep -
> The 'wrp' suite incorporates the 'reporting' and 'provenance' modules and
> allows you to do just what you specify.
> You'll open workflow, drag ports onto the report layout, run the workflow
> and see the results in the reporting view. From the "Workflow Run Manager"
> you can choose to export a KAR of the run (includes a PDF of the report). If
> you only want the PDF, you can unzip the KAR file and access the PDF file
> directly.
> -ben
> On Feb 27, 2010, at 3:04 AM, Josep Morer Muñoz wrote:
>  Hello,
>> First of all congratulations for your work. I would like to question about
>> some items in reporting module:
>> - Is it ready to query provenance DB?
>> - Can be the report layout stored in a file?
>> My goal is to generate a report automatically when the workflow ends and
>> using the layout associated to this workflow, query dinamically provenance
>> DB to fill it and generate a file (f.e PDF file) to send through email.
>> It can be done according to the project status?
>> Thanks for your help
>> --
>> Josep
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