[kepler-users] Q RE: outside subversion repositories

Thomas M. Parris parris at isciences.com
Wed Feb 24 09:55:37 PST 2010

Dear Keplerites:

We are developing java actors that need to shared amongst our workgroup.
The most effective way of doing that seems to be via an "outside" subversion
repository.  I've been testing this, but am not convinced it is working how
I would expect.  This is probably a stupid newbie question, but I can't find
a remedy for it.

1. I have followed the build system instructions through "runinng kepler"
for the trunk (-Dmodule=kepler) at 

2. I have create a new suite ("isciences")

3. I have succesfully written and tested a java actor in that suite (using
Eclipse as my IDE).

4. I have create a local svn repository for the code and imported the
contents of ~/<modules.dir>/isciences

5. I have edited the ../isciences/module-info/modules.txt to refer to my
local svn repository

	isciences svn+ssh://localserver/data/svn/isciences/kepler/trunk

6. However, when I run "ant update" I get the following log message

	$ ant update
	Buildfile: build.xml

	[update-modules] Updating isciences...
	[update-modules] svn -r head update --accept postpone C:\Program
	[update-modules] At revision 23190.

7. The high version number (which matches that for all of the other modules)
would seem to suggest that ant is looking at the main kepler svn repository
instead my of local repository which is at version 5.

	$ svn info svn+ssh://localserver/data/svn/isciences/kepler/trunk
	Path: trunk
	URL: svn+ssh://localserver/data/svn/isciences/kepler/trunk
	Repository Root: svn+ssh://peach/data/svn/isciences
	Repository UUID: a5151eea-c5c2-4131-9986-ee679ac9cc5e
	Revision: 5
	Node Kind: directory
	Last Changed Author: parris
	Last Changed Rev: 5
	Last Changed Date: 2010-02-24 12:23:57 -0500 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010)

8.  What am I doing wrong?

With many thanks in advance,
Thomas M. Parris
Vice President
ISciences, LLC
61 Main Street, Suite 200
Burlington, VT 05401
Voice: +802-864-2999
Fax:   +617-344-2580
Email: parris at isciences.com

http://www.isciences.com/  http://www.terraviva.net/

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