[kepler-users] Where to go with the problems of internationalization or how create account into forum?

Anatoly Loy anatoly.loy at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 14:06:35 PDT 2009

Hi Matthew,

Matt Jones wrote:
> In addition to what Chad said, a group in Japan worked on internationalizing
> Kepler for scientists in Japan (contact Akiko Ogawa on this list).  They
> might be interested in contributing to improvements that allow for general
> internationalization. They also found it was useful to translate the
> documentation before translating the application, and so they produced a
> Japanese translation of the Kepler Getting Started Guide, which can be
> downloaded from the Kepler web site here:
>    https://kepler-project.org/users/documentation

Yes, thanks, I saw these sections. And in my eyes already have an
example of translation.
(Oh my God, people who write/draw hieroglyphs by hand, should be more
revered than the artists!)

And I am ready to begin immediately to translate "Getting Started Guide"! :).
Me to work sufficiently original pdf-file. Naturally, I fall would
like to know how will look steps of Workflow for "publishing" this
translation, after I finish this translation. Also, it would be nice
to know how to build a communication in case of any questions directly
to the translation process.

> I think it would be fantastic to build an internationalization layer into
> Kepler that allows it to easily be used in different languages.  Once the
> new configuration system is in place, this should be easier than it would be
> today.  Nevertheless, it will be a lot of work to factor out all of the
> English UI elements into resource files and replace them with other language
> resource bundles.  Any help you might provide would be greatly appreciated.

Nevertheless, I think that our team can work with the Kepler 1.0.0
release, making changes in local copy. And in parallel, we will
propose solutions for the new "super-puper" system configuration.
Hopefully, with new version our translated resources/sources in the
new version of the system simply change their location.

Sincerely yours,
Anatoly Loy

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