[kepler-users] [kepler-dev] SRB account needed ?

subhav mital mital.subhav at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 07:16:31 PDT 2009

Hi Jianwu,
Thanks for your reply.

1) I am still contemplating whether installing Open SSH on the server would
resolve the problem and will have to try this and let you know.

2) As the repository scales, I would have to use the power of Grid or
something similar since its not just one simple excel file I would be
working with.

3) Master- Slave option sounds interesting. But, do EcoGrid actors
necessarily be involved in this?
I am aware that it uses the Distributed Composite Actor. Is there any
example that I can look at so that I could configure my workflow accordingly
and send it across?


On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Jianwu Wang <jianwu at sdsc.edu> wrote:

>  Hi Subhav,
>     One solution to use SSH on windows environment is to install SSH server
> on the server.
> http://www.rasyid.net/2007/05/18/install-ssh-server-in-windows-xp/,
> http://www.topshareware.com/MobaSSH-download-59394.htm.
>     How do you modify/add content are for eg: Excel Files locally?
>     It looks you do not need huge data transfer and powerful remote
> computing resources. So I think Grid related actors do not fit your
> requirements very well.
>     Another solution is to use Kepler master-slave architecture
> https://kepler-project.org/developers/incubation/distributed-ms. If you
> send me the local workflow for your purpose, I can try to help you transform
> it using master-slave.
> Best wishes
> Sincerely yours
> Jianwu Wangjianwu at sdsc.eduhttp://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
> San Diego Supercomputer Center
> University of California, San Diego
> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
> subhav mital wrote:
> Thanks Jianwu.
>  I have tried and implemented the exact same scenario that you are talking
> about. However, it does not serve my purpose completely, because the files I
> need to be able to modify/add content are for eg: Excel Files. Hence, the
> server (remote server) needs to be running on a Windows environment.
>  (Moreover, the control of modifying them on the server needs to be
> automated and initiated from the Client using Kepler. Though this would be
> implemented once my primary concern gets resolved).
>  Since this is not possible using the SSH scenario that I tried
> implementing, I thought the Grid would help in some way.
>  Can you think of any other alternative to get this done? How do other
> projects collaboratively share/store files across multiple servers? Also, I
> understand that the Data Grid File Transfer is not working. So, which other
> Grid related File Support functionality can I use, which can help me better
> accomplish the aforementioned scenario?
>  Thanks!
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Jianwu Wang <jianwu at sdsc.edu> wrote:
>>  Hi Subhav:
>>     There is a test workflow for Data Grid File Transfer actor at
>> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/workflows/srb/datagridtest.xml.
>> Yet the server failed to response when I just test it. :(
>>     About the scenario, the possible workflows depend on many conditions,
>> such as the server/client operation system, the connection protocols
>> supported between server and clients, and which kind of execution you want
>> to execute on the server. Do you mean client or server which has windows
>> environment? The easiest workflow I can imagine is using SSH File Copier
>> (org.kepler.actor.ssh.FileCopier) or SCP (org.geon.Scp) actor to copy file
>> and use SSH to Execute (org.kepler.actor.ssh.ExecuteCmd) or SSH Execute cmd
>> (org.sdm.spa.Ssh2Exec) actor to execute on the server. Please try.
>>     BTW: you do not need to send emails to both kepler-users and
>> kepler-dev, since most Kepler developers are in both mailing lists.
>> Best wishes
>> Sincerely yours
>> Jianwu Wangjianwu at sdsc.eduhttp://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/ <http://users.sdsc.edu/%7Ejianwu/>
>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>> University of California, San Diego
>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>> subhav mital wrote:
>> Thanks Jianwu.  So how do I go about using the Data Grid File Transfer
>> actor?
>> Do I need an SDSC account? Are there any sample workflows which I can see
>> to understand and learn? (The Globus actors don't work and the SRB actors
>> require me to have an account)
>>  My primary interest would be regarding the scenario mentioned in the
>> User Manual in a Windows environment. These files may be excel files, for
>> eg, which are being transferred to the server, some modifications being made
>> there, and copied back to the client.
>>  Just for reference, I am pasting the scenario again mentioned in the
>> manual: "A very common scenario is the following: a user needs to copy
>> (or stage) a set of files from one resource (e.g., the local environment) to
>> a remote resource, run a computational experiment on that remote
>>  resource, and then fetch the results back to the local environment or
>> copy them to another
>> resource/database."
>>  ...Including Kepler-Dev in the loop too..
>>  Thanks.
>> On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Jianwu Wang <jianwu at sdsc.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Matt,
>>>     DICE group (http://diceresearch.org/DICE_Site/Home/Home.html) has
>>> iRODS service now. Yet the previous SRB service is still there. My tests two
>>> months ago for SRB actors still work. For iRODS service, they implemented a
>>> new actor called DataGridTransfer. I checked it in Kepler 1.x. It's url at
>>> kepler trunk is
>>> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/actors/src/org/srb/DataGridTransfer.java.
>>>     The DataGridFileTransfer actor has functionality similar to the
>>> SRB/IRODS commands, namely Sget, Sput, iget, and iput. DataGridFileTransfer
>>> allows users to copy one or more objects from one local/remote file system
>>> to another local/remote file system. The following actor expects as input a
>>> reference to local or remote file systems support by the Jargon API . This
>>> reference connection is created from the source and destination URL values,
>>> Currently available file system URLs are, file:///myDir/myfile.txt,
>>> irods://username:password@myhost.org:1247/myDir/myfile.txt,
>>> srb://username.domain:password@myhost.org:5544/myDir/myfile.txt, or ftp
>>> and http urls.
>>> Best wishes
>>> Sincerely yours
>>> Jianwu Wangjianwu at sdsc.eduhttp://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/ <http://users.sdsc.edu/%7Ejianwu/>
>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>> University of California, San Diego
>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>  Matt Jones wrote:
>>> I've learned that SDSC seems to be migrating away from the SRB and
>>> instead setting up a new iRODS service.  Certainly that may affect the
>>> accounts that people use, and it may also have implications for whether the
>>> SRB actors continue to function properly -- I'm not sure if the iRODS server
>>> uses the same API as the SRB server, so its not clear to me if they will be
>>> backwards compatible.  Ilkay -- do you know who might be able to clarify
>>> compatibility plans with the new service at SDSC?
>>> Matt
>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 8:55 PM, subhav mital <mital.subhav at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Thanks a lot, Jianwu. I was able to download these workflows but unable
>>>> to run them due to the certificate error I guess. I have emailed the admin
>>>> and am waiting for a reply to get my account set up.
>>>>  Thanks!!
>>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Jianwu Wang <jianwu at sdsc.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Subhav,
>>>>>     Please try the workflows at
>>>>> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/workflows/srb/,
>>>>> which has test account for SRB. If you want to have your own account, you
>>>>> can apply through SRB mailing list: srb at sdsc.edu.
>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>> Jianwu Wangjianwu at sdsc.eduhttp://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/ <http://users.sdsc.edu/%7Ejianwu/>
>>>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>>>>> University of California, San Diego
>>>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>>>> subhav mital wrote:
>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>>  I was trying to use SRB actors and believe that I need to set up an
>>>>> account to get a certificate on the website?
>>>>>  So in this case, do we use the account already set up for Kepler
>>>>> Users since I do not have a data or compute allocation and wish to have one
>>>>> to run
>>>>> certain workflows...
>>>>>  Thanks.
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