[kepler-users] syntax/semantic type mismatch

Chris Weed chrisweed at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 13:00:53 PDT 2009

I created a workflow with two actors and a composite actor.
The output actor that produces string tokens is inside a composite
actor, and the composte actor is connected to an actor that accepts
input xml tokens.
The composite actor does not have it's port annotated with the output
string type.
In the same way the actors are annotated with mismatching semantic types.
When I perform the type checker on this, it correctly informs me that
there is a syntax type mistake, but not a semantic type mistake.
I can even remove the composite actor and connect these two actors
directly and see the semantic type mismatch.
Shouldn't it find the semantic type mismatch when inside the composite actor?

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