[kepler-users] adding ontologies to Components

Chris Weed chrisweed at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 10:55:28 PDT 2009

I just checked out the latest version from trunk, and make a few discoveries.

Importing actors into the local repository using "Save in Library" creates
kar files in the "workflows" directory. I had previously created my own
workflows directory in the same place, and was surprised to find kepler
was using the same one. When I went to remove the directory, I found
that I wasn't the only one putting stuff in there. I am not sure this is the
best setup, I would really expect these kar files to be in the .kepler

I also found that when I saved an actor to the library, it didn't immediately
show up in the component tree. It would show up when i restarted kepler.

I also have had difficulty importing a third party ontology into kepler.
In addition to the need to name the ontology, I found my ontology
wouldn't show up unless I changed some of the doctype strings
and RDF namespaces to have the LSID, instead of a normal URI
like http://localhost:8080/myfile.owl. That stuff is a little of a mystery
to me, but I did get it working by twiddling these values.


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Chris Weed<chrisweed at gmail.com> wrote:
> The ontology functionality that I have used in the past doesn't seem
> to work any more
> in Kepler 1.X Dev.
> I added my ontology to ptolemy/configs/kepler/ontologies,
> and the filename of my ontology to ontology_catalog.xml with library="true",
> and it shows up in the ontologies drop down menu, but not in the actor
> tree listing.
> I tried adding one of my ontology classes to my actor, and save it in
> the local repository.
> This seems to try to save a kar file to a directory that doesn't exist
> anymore. this should
> probably save to a temporary directory/file if it is only needed to
> import into the
> actor repository.
> I guess all of this code is in flux, does another module have this working?
> Chris

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