[kepler-dev] help: how to modify the code?

Daniel Crawl danielcrawl at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 13:46:23 PDT 2014

Hi Donghoon,

You should not use the Module Manger to add provenance-2.4.

Did you follow these instructions and start Kepler from Eclipse?


Kepler will start with provenance (there's a "P" button on the toolbar).

The provenance source code is in the provenance Eclipse project.


On 10/15/14 1:27 PM, DONGHOON KIM wrote:
> Dear Daniel and Kepler developers,
> I really appreciate your reply!
> I can execute the provenance module in eclipse. It is working!!! but I do
> not know how to modify some code of the provenance module in eclipse. I
> want to know the steps about how to change some code in provenance module.
> My problem is:
> After I typed three commands:
> ---
> svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/releases/
> release-branches/build-area-2.4 build-area
> cd build-area
> ant change-to -Dsuite=reporting-2.4
> ant eclipse
> ---
> I can see provenance-2.4 folder in my directory.
> However, after executing the provenance module (Tools->Module Manager
> ->Available Suite and Modules -> adding provenance-2.4 ->Apply and
> Restart),
> I can see provenance-2.4.0 folder in my directory, which has only jar file.
> so I tried to change some lines in provenance-2.4\src\Schemas.java. It does
> not affect anything in provenance module.
> so I replace jar file in provenance-2.4.0 with provenance-2.4 after making
> jar file in provenance-2.4
> It does not affect in provenance module.
> My questions are:
> Suppose that I follow your instruction exactly. and I use provenance.pdf
> documentation to launch provenance module (
> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/releases/release-branches/provenance-2.4/docs/
> )
>     1. Which directory (provenance-2.4 or provenance-2.4.0) should I change
>     for provenance module?
>     2. After changing the code, how can the change be appeared in provenance
>     module? Do I type a command such as "ant compile or ant jar"? I have
>     checked "Build Automatically" in eclipse.
> Thank you for your time!
> -Donghoon
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Daniel Crawl <danielcrawl at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Donghoon,
>> You'll need to get provenance 2.4 from the svn repository and generate
>> the Eclipse project files:
>> mkdir kepler-2.4
>> cd kepler-2.4
>> svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/releases/
>> release-branches/build-area-2.4 build-area
>> cd build-area
>> ant change-to -Dsuite=reporting-2.4
>> ant eclipse
>> You can then import the modules as projects in Eclipse. There are
>> instructions for setting up Kepler in Eclipse here:
>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/reference/kepler-
>> and-eclipse#detailed-instructions-for-setting
>> These instructions download the Kepler trunk instead of 2.4. Once
>> you run the above commands to get Kepler 2.4, you can skip to step
>> 8 in these instructions.
>> The provenance documentation is in:
>> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/releases/
>> release-branches/provenance-2.4/docs/
>>    --dan
>> On 10/14/14 6:37 PM, DONGHOON KIM wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel and Kepler developers,
>>> I can download the provenance source code from provenance-2.4. Also, I
>>> have
>>> provenance-2.4.0 which has provenance-2.4.jar file, not source code.
>>> I can execute provenance module.
>>> However, I have to modify provenance module for my research. However, it
>>> seems like my project uses provenance-2.4.0, not provenance-2.4. In other
>>> word, provenance-2.4.0 has only class files rather than source code.
>>> My questions are:
>>> 1. How can I change to use provenance-2.4, not provenance-2.4.0 in eclipse
>>> or project? Any configuration file to switch each version?
>>> 2. Do you have any documentation regarding provenance implementation?
>>> Thank you
>>> -Donghoon
>>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Daniel Crawl <danielcrawl at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Donghoon,
>>>> This will download the provenance 2.4 source code:
>>>> svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/releases/
>>>> release-branches/provenance-2.4/
>>>>     --dan
>>>> On 10/13/14 7:58 PM, DONGHOON KIM wrote:
>>>>   Dear Kepler developers,
>>>>> I want to download provenance source code in provenance folder, not
>>>>> class
>>>>> files in provenance-2.4.0.
>>>>> Please, let me know (dhkim717 at gmail.com or dkim2 at ncsu.edu) if any of
>>>>> you
>>>>> know the solution.
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> -Donghoon
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