[kepler-dev] I'm looking for some Kepler consultants

Rich Morin rdm at cfcl.com
Wed Oct 30 08:04:49 PDT 2013

I'd like to find one or more consultants to help me experiment
with Kepler.  The initial tasks I have in mind are as follows:

  * Use the Kepler GUI to set up a simple predator-prey model
    (eg, http://wiki.cfcl.com/Projects/ISLE/Manual/UG_Tab_ER).

  * Run the model and compare the results to those generated
    by the current (SC-IPM) software.  Tweak until satisfied.

  * Use the Kepler APIs to set up the same model, based on a
    set of hand-edited model-description files.

If the results are sufficiently promising, we'll move on to
some hard-core coding:

  * mechanized generation of model-description files

  * creation of Kepler plugins to manipulate models

In order to get started quickly, I'd like to do some pairing.
This could be in San Bruno (so BART is a possibility) or even
at UC Berkeley.  Long-distance pairing (using Skype, etc.) is
also a possibility, but seems less likely to be convenient.

Any resulting software is likely to be written up and released
under an open source license.  If you are interested, please
send me a note (off-list) with a precis of your availability,
background, interests, and desired consulting rate.


http://www.cfcl.com/rdm            Rich Morin
http://www.cfcl.com/rdm/resume     rdm at cfcl.com
http://www.cfcl.com/rdm/weblog     +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

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