[kepler-dev] Using web technologies with Kepler?

Rich Morin rdm at cfcl.com
Tue Nov 5 12:01:13 PST 2013

Looking in the Kepler docs, I see indications that it can make
use of web technologies.  However, I'm a bit unclear on the
details.  Specifically, I'm interested in taking advantage of
D3, a JavaScript library that supports data visualization and
interactive manipulation using SVG, css, etc:


Hints or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, anyone who finds these sorts of things interesting should
spend some time watching Bret Victor's videos, eg:

  Interactive Exploration of a Dynamical System

  Media For Thinking The Unthinkable


http://www.cfcl.com/rdm           Rich Morin           rdm at cfcl.com
http://www.cfcl.com/rdm/resume    San Bruno, CA, USA   +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

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