[kepler-dev] Export Ptolemy Models to web pages, and put hyperlinks in Ptolemy models

Edward A. Lee eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Jan 5 11:22:30 PST 2012

Dear fellow Ptolemy Hackers,

I've created two facilities that I've wanted for some time.
First, you can now export a Ptolemy model to a web page.
See for example:


Try clicking on the icons in this model.
The above export is what you get by default from a model,
but the export can be highly customized.
For a customized example, see:


Try clicking on the icons here (the result of a query to
a Berkeley campus database is displayed).

The web export mechanism is documented in a draft chapter here:


I'm hoping we can use this to provide an easy way to disseminate
models to people who don't want to install any software.

If you have an up-to-date SVN tree, you can use this immediately.
Please send me comments, typos, and suggestions.

The second facility is the ability to create a hyperlink in
Ptolemy II model.

The LiveLink attribute, found in Vergil in the
Utilities->Parameters library, can be used to put
an annotation into a model that has a hyperlink to another
model. Double-clicking on the annotation will take you
to the other model.

An example is this demo:


which now has an annotation saying:

   "See also MaximumEntropySpectrum."

Double-clicking on that annotation opens the other model.

The documentation for LiveLink reads:

  An attribute that provides a link to a specified URL.
  This can be contained by any Ptolemy II object, and when a
  user double clicks on that object, the result is to open
  the specified URL. To set the URL, you either Alt-click
  on the object or right click and select Configure.
  A common way to use this attribute is to put
  a text annotation in a model with text something like
  "See also Foo", where "Foo" is the name of another
  related model. Drag an instance of this LiveLink attribute
  onto the text annotation, and double click on the text
  annotation to set the file name for the model Foo.
  The file name can be relative to the location of
  the model containing the annotation. It can also
  have any of the forms supported by
  {@link FileParameter}. For example, a file name
  can begin with $PTII, indicating that the file
  is in the Ptolemy II installation tree.
  The default URL is "http://ptolemy.org#in_browser", which is
  the home page of the Ptolemy Project with an additional
  annotation indicating that the page should be opened
  in a browser. The suffix "#in_browser" will always
  be interepreted this way. Without this suffix, Vergil
  will be used to open the URL. Note that Vergil's HTML
  viewer does not handle many modern pages well.

Again, comments and suggestions are welcome.


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