[kepler-dev] Adding actors to the library

Sven Koehler skoehler80 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 11:03:04 PDT 2011


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 3:45 AM, Tomasz Żok <tzok at man.poznan.pl> wrote:
>>what is the official way to add actors to the library in my own Kepler
>>module? How do I create a new folder in the library for my actors?
> First, you write code for this actor and make sure that
> generated .class or .jar files are in Kepler's classpath. Then you
> run Kepler and choose "Instantiate Component" from menu "Tools". You
> need to provide it with full class name of your actor. The actor will
> appear on workflow canvas. You can now right-click on it and choose
> "Semantic Type Annotation" where you select categories to which this
> actor belong (categories are those in hierarchy in Kepler library). The
> last step is to right-click the actor and choose "Save as KAR".

This would allow me to create an actor that shows up on my
installation of Kepler.
But how do I add actors to my modules that I want to publish? Other
users, who install my modules should be able to find those actors
directly in their library. Those actors should also show up in a
separate folder in the library.

>>And how can I give them customized icons?
> In the directory kepler/gui/resources/configurations/ there are two
> files uiSVGIconMappingsByClass.xml and uiSVGIconMappingsByLSID.xml.
> Please read comments inside them as it is already clearly described on
> how to specify icons for actors. One note from me however - in Kepler
> 2.x it seems that icons themselves are placed in
> kepler/config/lib/images/

Does that mean that I also have to change other modules to add icons
to actors in my Kepler module?
Is there no way to declare those icon mappings directly in my module?


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