[kepler-dev] moving Kepler to 1.6
tao at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Oct 20 13:27:18 PDT 2010
I am currently working with kepler trunk under java 1.6 on a linux
32-bit machine. It always gives me some warnings on the Ptolemy code.
Except those warnings, i haven't seen any issues.
warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF8
[compile] code += "? =>= [";
[compile] ^
warning: sun.misc.BASE64Encoder is Sun proprietary API and may be
removed in a future release
[compile] import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
[compile] ^
warning: sun.security.util.ManifestDigester is Sun proprietary API and
may be removed in a future release
[compile] import sun.security.util.ManifestDigester;
[compile] ^
warning: sun.misc.BASE64Encoder is Sun proprietary API and may be
removed in a future release
[compile] private static BASE64Encoder _b64Encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
[compile] ^
warning: sun.security.util.ManifestDigester is Sun proprietary API and
may be removed in a future release
[compile] ManifestDigester md, String baseName, boolean signManifest)
[compile] ^
warning: sun.audio.AudioPlayer is Sun proprietary API and may be removed
in a future release
[compile] import sun.audio.AudioPlayer;
[compile] ^
warning: sun.security.util.ManifestDigester is Sun proprietary API and
may be removed in a future release
[compile] ManifestDigester manifestDigester = new ManifestDigester(
[compile] ^
warning: sun.security.util.ManifestDigester is Sun proprietary API and
may be removed in a future release
[compile] ManifestDigester manifestDigester = new ManifestDigester(
[compile] ^
warning: sun.security.util.ManifestDigester is Sun proprietary API and
may be removed in a future release
[compile] ManifestDigester.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE);
[compile] ^
warning: sun.misc.BASE64Encoder is Sun proprietary API and may be
removed in a future release
[compile] private static BASE64Encoder _b64Encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
[compile] ^
warning: sun.audio.AudioPlayer is Sun proprietary API and may be removed
in a future release
[compile] AudioPlayer.player.start(_instream);
Jianwu Wang wrote:
> Hi Derik,
> I just did a fresh check out on a Linux x86_64 machine and compiled
> Kepler and reporting suite with java 1.6. There is no error any more.
> Best wishes
> Sincerely yours
> Jianwu Wang
> jianwu at sdsc.edu
> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
> Assistant Project Scientist
> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
> San Diego Supercomputer Center
> University of California, San Diego
> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
> On 10/20/2010 11:53 AM, Derik Barseghian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone object to Kepler requiring Java 1.6?
>> I haven't moved Kepler trunk's Ptolemy version forward yet because
>> doing so would mean we require 1.6, and I want to check with everyone
>> first.
>> We are falling out of date with Ptolemy, and as we know this may make
>> rejoining Ptolemy head problematic.
>> Some things to note:
>> * this will cause problems for non-64bit <10.6 macs, unless something
>> like SoyLatte is installed (so as to have a 1.6 java -- I have this
>> problem and would want to update to 10.6 (which has 1.6 for 32bit)
>> before I did the update).
>> * At the end of this thread, Jianwu mentions a problem compiling
>> Kepler under 1.6 on a x86_64 GNU/Linux machine. Is this still a problem?
>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/kepler-development-forum/build-and-release-team/496635000
>> * In that thread Matt mentions the NMI nightly builds are running on
>> 1.5. Is this still the case and should it block us from moving to 1.6?
>> Thanks,
>> Derik
>> On Oct 1, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>> Hi Derik,
>>> Use Java 1.6.
>>> On 9/23, Christopher wrote:
>>>> We should probably move to Java 1.6 for Kepler.
>>>> Ptolemy II has required Java 1.6 for awhile.
>>>> Code in ptdb and in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
>>>> require Java 1.6.
>>>> Offhand, I'm not sure how to get Ant to require Java 1.6.
>>>> Note that under Mac OS X, I had to set JAVA_HOME:
>>>> export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`
>>>> (I put that into my ~/.bash_profile)
>>>> Mac users, see
>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/695350/running-ant-with-jdk-1-6-on-mac-os-x
>>>> If I did not set JAVA_HOME, then Java 1.5 was used
>>>> and ant compile failed with:
>>>> compile:
>>>> [echo] Note that you may need to run "ant force-ptolemy compile" to
>>>> compile ptolemy.
>>>> [compile] Compiling ptolemy...
>>>> [compile] Compiling 1336 source files to
>>>> /Users/cxh/src/kepler/ptolemy/target/classes
>>>> [compile]
>>>> /Users/cxh/src/kepler/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/cg/lib/syntactic/SyntacticSeries.java:65:
>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>> [compile] symbol : method push(ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm)
>>>> [compile] location: class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
>>>> [compile] super.push(term);
>>>> [compile] ^
>>>> This is with
>>>> ant -version
>>>> Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on April 8 2010
>>> On 10/1/10 2:07 PM, Derik Barseghian wrote:
>>>> Hi Christopher/ptolemy,
>>>> I'm getting a few compilation errors from ptolemy when trying to
>>>> launch kepler trunk using ptolemy r59357.
>>>> Derik
>>>> ----------
>>>> nceasmacbook:build-area barseghian$ ant run
>>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>>> compile:
>>>> [echo] Note that you may need to run "ant force-ptolemy compile" to
>>>> compile ptolemy.
>>>> [compile] Compiling ptolemy...
>>>> [compile] Compiling 3618 source files to
>>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/target/classes
>>>> [compile]
>>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/cg/lib/syntactic/SyntacticSeries.java:65:
>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>> [compile] symbol : method push(ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm)
>>>> [compile] location: class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
>>>> [compile] super.push(term);
>>>> [compile] ^
>>>> [compile]
>>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/KielerLayoutConnector.java:180:
>>>> moveTo(float,float) in java.awt.geom.GeneralPath cannot be applied
>>>> to (double,double)
>>>> [compile] path.moveTo(startX, startY);
>>>> [compile] ^
>>>> [compile]
>>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/KielerLayoutConnector.java:251:
>>>> lineTo(float,float) in java.awt.geom.GeneralPath cannot be applied
>>>> to (double,double)
>>>> [compile] path.lineTo(endX, endY);
>>>> [compile] ^
>>>> [compile] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
>>>> [compile] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>> [compile] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>>>> [compile] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>> [compile] 3 errors
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>>>> Ptexternal-cvs mailing list
>>>> Ptexternal-cvs at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
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>>> --
>>> Christopher Brooks, PMP University of California
>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 cell: 707.332.0670
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