[kepler-dev] moving Kepler to 1.6
Jianwu Wang
jianwu at sdsc.edu
Wed Oct 20 13:10:33 PDT 2010
Hi Derik,
I just did a fresh check out on a Linux x86_64 machine and compiled
Kepler and reporting suite with java 1.6. There is no error any more.
Best wishes
Sincerely yours
Jianwu Wang
jianwu at sdsc.edu
Assistant Project Scientist
Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
On 10/20/2010 11:53 AM, Derik Barseghian wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone object to Kepler requiring Java 1.6?
> I haven't moved Kepler trunk's Ptolemy version forward yet because
> doing so would mean we require 1.6, and I want to check with everyone
> first.
> We are falling out of date with Ptolemy, and as we know this may make
> rejoining Ptolemy head problematic.
> Some things to note:
> * this will cause problems for non-64bit <10.6 macs, unless something
> like SoyLatte is installed (so as to have a 1.6 java -- I have this
> problem and would want to update to 10.6 (which has 1.6 for 32bit)
> before I did the update).
> * At the end of this thread, Jianwu mentions a problem compiling
> Kepler under 1.6 on a x86_64 GNU/Linux machine. Is this still a problem?
> https://kepler-project.org/developers/kepler-development-forum/build-and-release-team/496635000
> * In that thread Matt mentions the NMI nightly builds are running on
> 1.5. Is this still the case and should it block us from moving to 1.6?
> Thanks,
> Derik
> On Oct 1, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>> Hi Derik,
>> Use Java 1.6.
>> On 9/23, Christopher wrote:
>>> We should probably move to Java 1.6 for Kepler.
>>> Ptolemy II has required Java 1.6 for awhile.
>>> Code in ptdb and in ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
>>> require Java 1.6.
>>> Offhand, I'm not sure how to get Ant to require Java 1.6.
>>> Note that under Mac OS X, I had to set JAVA_HOME:
>>> export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`
>>> (I put that into my ~/.bash_profile)
>>> Mac users, see
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/695350/running-ant-with-jdk-1-6-on-mac-os-x
>>> If I did not set JAVA_HOME, then Java 1.5 was used
>>> and ant compile failed with:
>>> compile:
>>> [echo] Note that you may need to run "ant force-ptolemy compile"
>>> to compile ptolemy.
>>> [compile] Compiling ptolemy...
>>> [compile] Compiling 1336 source files to
>>> /Users/cxh/src/kepler/ptolemy/target/classes
>>> [compile]
>>> /Users/cxh/src/kepler/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/cg/lib/syntactic/SyntacticSeries.java:65:
>>> cannot find symbol
>>> [compile] symbol : method
>>> push(ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm)
>>> [compile] location: class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
>>> [compile] super.push(term);
>>> [compile] ^
>>> This is with
>>> ant -version
>>> Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on April 8 2010
>> On 10/1/10 2:07 PM, Derik Barseghian wrote:
>>> Hi Christopher/ptolemy,
>>> I'm getting a few compilation errors from ptolemy when trying to
>>> launch kepler trunk using ptolemy r59357.
>>> Derik
>>> ----------
>>> nceasmacbook:build-area barseghian$ ant run
>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>> compile:
>>> [echo] Note that you may need to run "ant force-ptolemy compile" to
>>> compile ptolemy.
>>> [compile] Compiling ptolemy...
>>> [compile] Compiling 3618 source files to
>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/target/classes
>>> [compile]
>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/cg/lib/syntactic/SyntacticSeries.java:65:
>>> cannot find symbol
>>> [compile] symbol : method push(ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTerm)
>>> [compile] location: class ptolemy.cg.lib.syntactic.SyntacticTermList
>>> [compile] super.push(term);
>>> [compile] ^
>>> [compile]
>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/KielerLayoutConnector.java:180:
>>> moveTo(float,float) in java.awt.geom.GeneralPath cannot be applied
>>> to (double,double)
>>> [compile] path.moveTo(startX, startY);
>>> [compile] ^
>>> [compile]
>>> /Users/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ptolemy/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/KielerLayoutConnector.java:251:
>>> lineTo(float,float) in java.awt.geom.GeneralPath cannot be applied
>>> to (double,double)
>>> [compile] path.lineTo(endX, endY);
>>> [compile] ^
>>> [compile] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
>>> [compile] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>> [compile] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>>> [compile] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>> [compile] 3 errors
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>> --
>> Christopher Brooks, PMP University of California
>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 cell: 707.332.0670
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