[kepler-dev] Importing custom actor in Kepler library

Ivens ivensportugal at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 08:05:48 PDT 2010

Hello everybody,

I created a Java actor for kepler. Its name is PGAActor.
This actor uses some non-kepler libraries (.jars)

I also created a .kar file.

the structure of this file is like this:

 ------- lib
 |       |
 |       --------- supportLib1.jar
 |       --------- supportLib2.jar
 ------- META-INF
 |       |
 |       --------- MANIFEST.MF
 ------- br.ufrj.cos.reuse.provmanager.pga.PGAActor.jar
 ------- PGAActor.jar
 ------- urn.lsid.kepler-project.org.workflow.2.1.xml

my problem is...
in PGAActor.jar, there is a MANIFEST.MF file that references
/lib/supportLib1.jar file (and supportLib2.jar too!)

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 16.0-b13 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Class-Path: lib/supportLib1.jar lib/supportLib2.jar

i can import successfully my actor in Kepler,
but when the workflow is executing,
i get an error message that says that Kepler could not find one of the class
contained in one of the supportLibs...

am i doing something wrong?

thanks in advance,
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