[kepler-dev] [kepler-users] Q RE: outside subversion repositories
Chad Berkley
berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Feb 24 16:28:23 PST 2010
Hi Tom,
I captured your instructions in our documentation here:
Let me know if you see any problems with my steps.
Chad Berkley wrote:
> Great! I'm glad it worked for you. Thanks for passing the info along
> to others.
> Let us know if you have any other questions.
> chad
> Thomas M. Parris wrote:
>> Chad,
>> Many thanks! I think I now have this working as advertised. The
>> following
>> seems to have made the difference. I think I'm over this hump.
>> 1. code had to be checked out of our local svn repository (this was a
>> rookie
>> mistake).
>> 2. ssh had to be configured to log in with public key without a
>> passphrase.
>> (I had deferred doing this for expediency, but the prompts effectively
>> hung
>> the "ant update").
>> So to summarize the recipe for others ...
>> 1. pre-requisites
>> a. establish a local svn repository
>> b. configure it so it can be accessed w/o user name/pw prompts
>> (e.g., via ssh with public key)
>> 2. create a custom suite per the build directions, see
>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/build-system
>> -instructions
>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/developing-a
>> -hello-world-actor-using-the-kepler-build-system-and-eclipse
>> 3. edit the <module.dir>/<suite>/module-info/modules.txt along the
>> lines of
>> the following ...
>> <suite> svn+ssh://localserver/repo/trunk
>> *kepler
>> NOTE: last line above sets the kepler suite to the development trunk.
>> Change as necessary to use a stable release.
>> 4. check out your code from your local svn repository
>> cd <modules.dir>/<suite>
>> svn co svn+ssh://localserver/repo/trunk
>> 5. update and run
>> cd <modules.dir>/build-area
>> ant update
>> ant run
>> -- Tom
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chad Berkley [mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu] Sent: Wednesday,
>> February 24, 2010 3:22 PM
>> To: Thomas M. Parris
>> Cc: 'Sean Riddle'; 'kepler-users'
>> Subject: Re: [kepler-users] Q RE: outside subversion repositories
>> is there a isciences directory below the build-area? If so, delete it
>> and
>> try again.
>> See my other comments below:
>> Thomas M. Parris wrote:
>>> Chad, Sean,
>>> Many thanks for your suggestions! I did the following:
>>> 1. deleted the second isiences line
>>> 2. cd <modules.dir>
>>> 3. ant -change-to -Dsuite=isciences
>>> 4. ant update
>>> And get the same status message ...
>>> update:
>>> [update-modules] Updating isciences...
>>> [update-modules] svn -r head update --accept postpone C:\Program
>>> Files\Kepler\svn\isciences [update-modules] At revision 23190.
>>> I also get the following at the conclusion of "ant update"
>>> [update-modules] Updating build-area...
>>> [update-modules] svn -r head update --accept postpone C:\Program
>>> Files\Kepler\svn\build-area [update-modules] svn: Working copy
>>> 'C:\Program Files\Kepler\svn\build-area'
>>> locked
>>> [update-modules] svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn
>>> help cleanup' for details) [update-modules]
>>> ERROR: It appears that the command did not execute properly and
>>> exited with an exit code of: 1
>>> 5. I've run "svn cleanup" and that last error keeps appearing. I've
>>> been ignoring it.
>> The only fix I've found to this is to delete the directory and do a new
>> checkout. the cleanup command has never worked for me.
>>> 6. I did not explicitly "check out" the code I imported into the svn
>>> repository. I've not used svn before, does it create "dot" files
>>> that would modify the "ant update" sequence? Do I need to clean out
>>> "dot" files that might be left over from previous "ant update"
>>> commands (before I tried using the outside repository)?
>> yes, it creates a directory, .svn, in every checked out directory.
>> This is
>> where all of the svn config lives. If you nuke that directory, you no
>> longer have versioned source.
>>> 7. I've used a tab chacracter as a separator between "isciences" and
>>> "svn+ssh" in the modules.txt file. Could that be a problem?
>> umm, hopefully not, but try a space instead just to be sure.
>> If all else fails, just try deleting everything except for build-area and
>> try again. You can also just try checking out your isciences directory
>> manually (at the same level as build-area) then do the change-to command.
>> the build should find the isciences dir and not try to check it out
>> again.
>> chad
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tom
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Chad Berkley [mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 1:05 PM
>>> To: Sean Riddle
>>> Cc: Thomas M. Parris; 'kepler-users'
>>> Subject: Re: [kepler-users] Q RE: outside subversion repositories
>>> Ah, yeah, nice catch, Sean. You're probably right. See if it works
>>> after you remove that 2nd isciences lines.
>>> chad
>>> Sean Riddle wrote:
>>>> My first instinct would be that you should only have isciences on a
>>>> single line, not two, as you have. Just have the line with the
>>>> svn+ssh declaration. Having isciences on a line by itself implies
>>>> that it is within the main Kepler repository (and might clobber what
>>>> it just learned in the previous line about where the module really is).
>>>> - Sean
>>>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Thomas M. Parris wrote:
>>>>> Dear Keplerites:
>>>>> We are developing java actors that need to shared amongst our
>>>>> workgroup.
>>>>> The most effective way of doing that seems to be via an "outside"
>>>>> subversion
>>>>> repository. I've been testing this, but am not convinced it is
>>>>> working how I would expect. This is probably a stupid newbie
>>>>> question, but I can't find a remedy for it.
>>>>> 1. I have followed the build system instructions through "runinng
>> kepler"
>>>>> for the trunk (-Dmodule=kepler) at
>>>>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/buil
>>>>> d
>>>>> -system
>>>>> -instructions
>>>>> 2. I have create a new suite ("isciences")
>>>>> 3. I have succesfully written and tested a java actor in that suite
>>>>> (using Eclipse as my IDE).
>>>>> 4. I have create a local svn repository for the code and imported
>>>>> the contents of ~/<modules.dir>/isciences
>>>>> 5. I have edited the ../isciences/module-info/modules.txt to refer
>>>>> to my local svn repository
>>>>> isciences svn+ssh://localserver/data/svn/isciences/kepler/trunk
>>>>> isciences
>>>>> *kepler
>>>>> 6. However, when I run "ant update" I get the following log message
>>>>> $ ant update
>>>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>>>> update:
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating isciences...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn -r head update --accept postpone
>>>>> C:\Program Files\Kepler\svn\isciences
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 23190.
>>>>> 7. The high version number (which matches that for all of the other
>>>>> modules)
>>>>> would seem to suggest that ant is looking at the main kepler svn
>>>>> repository instead my of local repository which is at version 5.
>>>>> $ svn info svn+ssh://localserver/data/svn/isciences/kepler/trunk
>>>>> Path: trunk
>>>>> URL: svn+ssh://localserver/data/svn/isciences/kepler/trunk
>>>>> Repository Root: svn+ssh://peach/data/svn/isciences
>>>>> Repository UUID: a5151eea-c5c2-4131-9986-ee679ac9cc5e
>>>>> Revision: 5
>>>>> Node Kind: directory
>>>>> Last Changed Author: parris
>>>>> Last Changed Rev: 5
>>>>> Last Changed Date: 2010-02-24 12:23:57 -0500 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010)
>>>>> 8. What am I doing wrong?
>>>>> With many thanks in advance,
>>>>> Tom
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Thomas M. Parris
>>>>> Vice President
>>>>> ISciences, LLC
>>>>> 61 Main Street, Suite 200
>>>>> Burlington, VT 05401
>>>>> Voice: +802-864-2999
>>>>> Fax: +617-344-2580
>>>>> Email: parris at isciences.com
>>>>> http://www.isciences.com/ http://www.terraviva.net/
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
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