[kepler-dev] [kepler-users] Where to go with the problems of internationalization or how create account into forum?
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Sep 17 14:22:27 PDT 2009
Hi Anatoly,
If you start work on a translation of Kepler documentation, you can
communicate with the rest of the development team on kepler-dev to update
people about your progress. I am switching this email thread to kepler-dev
rather than kepler-users as it now pertains to development of new
capabilities and may be of less interest to the users list.
Working copies of the kepler documentation are all found on our svn server
Note the _jp suffix on the Japanese version of the Getting Started Guide.
You should use the analogous iso country code for Ukraine.
You can check out a copy of these documents using SVN with a command like
svn co
Once you get an account established (we are working on that), you'll be able
to add your translated version to the directory. Unfortunately, it will
likely be difficult for us to assess the quality of your translation, as
none of us who helped write the documentation know Ukranian (as far as I
know). I will address this issue with the Kepler Leadership team and see if
there is consensus on what approvals are needed for translated documents.
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Anatoly Loy <anatoly.loy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> Matt Jones wrote:
> > In addition to what Chad said, a group in Japan worked on
> internationalizing
> > Kepler for scientists in Japan (contact Akiko Ogawa on this list). They
> > might be interested in contributing to improvements that allow for
> general
> > internationalization. They also found it was useful to translate the
> > documentation before translating the application, and so they produced a
> > Japanese translation of the Kepler Getting Started Guide, which can be
> > downloaded from the Kepler web site here:
> > https://kepler-project.org/users/documentation
> Yes, thanks, I saw these sections. And in my eyes already have an
> example of translation.
> (Oh my God, people who write/draw hieroglyphs by hand, should be more
> revered than the artists!)
> And I am ready to begin immediately to translate "Getting Started Guide"!
> :).
> Me to work sufficiently original pdf-file. Naturally, I fall would
> like to know how will look steps of Workflow for "publishing" this
> translation, after I finish this translation. Also, it would be nice
> to know how to build a communication in case of any questions directly
> to the translation process.
> > I think it would be fantastic to build an internationalization layer into
> > Kepler that allows it to easily be used in different languages. Once the
> > new configuration system is in place, this should be easier than it would
> be
> > today. Nevertheless, it will be a lot of work to factor out all of the
> > English UI elements into resource files and replace them with other
> language
> > resource bundles. Any help you might provide would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Nevertheless, I think that our team can work with the Kepler 1.0.0
> release, making changes in local copy. And in parallel, we will
> propose solutions for the new "super-puper" system configuration.
> Hopefully, with new version our translated resources/sources in the
> new version of the system simply change their location.
> Sincerely yours,
> Anatoly Loy
Matthew B. Jones
Director of Informatics Research and Development
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu Ph: 1-907-523-1960
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