[kepler-dev] Example workflows/scenarios?
Christopher Brooks
cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 20 08:27:21 PDT 2009
Hi Russell,
We don't have a really good demo of Thomas Huining Feng's design
patterns facility.
Sample design patterns may be found under MoreLibraries -> DesignPatterns.
To use a design pattern, drag a design pattern into a model.
The ptII8.0.beta release notes say this:
<p>The model transformation facility provides a framework for the
analysis and transformation of actor models using model transformation
<p>The design of large-scale models poses a number of challenges. As
the size of the models increases to thousands of actors or hundreds of
thousands of actors, analysis and consistent modification on the
models become extremely hard. Furthermore, to maximize component
reuse, a systematic approach is needed for the specification and
maintenance of common patterns in the models and the transformation of
those patterns.
<p>The model transformation framework to be developed in this project
aims to support the flexible specification of patterns and
replacements by means of rules in graph grammar. An intuitive
graphical user interface will be built. For novice users, a set of
common transformations will be included in a library to facilitate
their common tasks.
<p>The transformations are models in their own right. They can be
embedded in larger models hierarchically. Heterogeneous models of
computation can be used to control the application of individual
"atomic" transformations. This makes it easy to create sophisticated
transformations by composing simple ones in a manageable and
disciplined way. The sophisticated transformations will also take
advantage of the concurrency inherent in those models of computation.
<p>Model transformation can be applied as an optimization of modal
models. These are hierarchical state machines with refinements in
their states, which are sub-models to be executed when those states
are active. The current implementation includes the complete
description of each refinement in the model description, even though
refinements of the states in a state machine tend to have large
commonality. With the transformation technique, only one refinement
needs to be stored completely. The others are obtained by
transformations performed on the stored refinement. This eliminates
redundancy and eases the job of modifying multiple refinements
<p>Other applications of the model transformation technique include
recognizing common design patterns in the models in a static analysis,
replacing exiting design patterns with more efficient ones, and
reusing design patterns by incorporating them into new models.
<li>Thomas Huining Feng, "<a href="http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2009/EECS-2009-77.html#in_browser" target="_top">Model Transformation with Hierarchical Discrete-Event Control</a>," Ph.D.
Dissertation, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley. UCB/EECS-2009-77. May 2009.
<li>Christopher Brooks, Chihhong Cheng, Thomas Huining Feng, Edward A. Lee and Reinhard von Hanxleden, "<a href="http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/486.html#in_browser" target="_top">Model
Engineering using Multimodeling</a>," In <a href="http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/mccm/2008/?page_id=23#in_browser" target="_top">1st International Workshop on Model Co-Evolution and Consistency
Management (MCCM '08)</a>, Toulouse, France, Sep. 2008.
<li>Thomas Huining Feng and Edward A. Lee, "<a href="http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/487.html#in_browser" target="_top">Scalable Models Using Model Transformation</a>," In <a
href="http://www.artist-embedded.org/artist/ACES-MB-08.html#in_browser" target="_top">1st International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACESMB 2008)</a>,
Toulouse, France, Sep. 2008.
<li>Thomas Huining Feng, Miriam Zia, and Hans Vangheluwe, "<a href="http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/593.html#in_browser" target="_top">Multi-Formalism Modelling and Model Transformation for the
Design of Reactive Systems</a>," In <a href="http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/wainer/SCSC07/#in_browser" target="_top">2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2007)</a>, San Diego, CA, USA,
Jul. 2007.
Kepler includes a subset of Ptolemy demos.
In the kepler devel tree, there are roughly 98 demos in
These demos are available by following the Help -> Kepler Documentation
menu choice and then follow the "background information on Ptolemy" link
to "Quick Tour" to "complete list of demos".
You can open many of these demos by following "background information on Ptolemy"
-> Copyright -> Copyright -> and then under "Ptiny for Kepler", open the xml.
However, not all the demos will open because Kepler runs out of memory because
SVG is a memory hog. I think I can get 30-50 models open at once in Kepler, which
is plenty for regular use. There is a bug for this filed . . .
There are also many hundred system tests in the various test/auto directories.
Also, Ptolemy has a new automatic layout facility. To run it, try
$PTII/bin/vergil -layout
We'll be working on integrating the layout mechanism more fully into the main
version of Vergil.
Edward A. Lee wrote:
> One possibly useful pointer would to the Ptolemy II demos...
> There are a rather large number of them...
> Perhaps more interesting though is a mechanism that Thomas
> Feng created whereby you can put a "pattern" of actors in a
> library, and drag into a model as a unit.
> Christopher: Is there a demo of this in the tree?
> Edward
> R.P.Mciver at cs.cardiff.ac.uk wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been working on modifying the kepler UI - looking at different
>> ways that users can supply the information required to compose
>> workflows, how the process might be streamlined/ assisted etc.
>> I'm now at the stage where I'd like to try out some of these
>> modifications by seeing how effective they are at enabling me (and
>> potentially any test users I can discover!) to compose some example
>> workflows. Unfortunately I've only got access to a very limited
>> selection of workflow scenarios to attempt, essentially the demos that
>> are provided with Kepler.
>> Would anybody be able to provide example workflow compositions or
>> scenarios which I could use for this testing process? Or possibly to
>> point me in the direction of any archives/repositories of workflows
>> there may be available?
>> As the whole purpose is to test the effectiveness of the changes to
>> the composition process I'd welcome practically any workflows to use -
>> small, large, simple, complex, and from any "domain".
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Cheers,
>> Russell
>> =======================================================
>> Russell McIver
>> Research Student
>> Room C/2.14
>> Cardiff School of Computer Science, Cardiff University,
>> 5 The Parade, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 3AA, UK.
>> =======================================================
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
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