[kepler-dev] renaming Loader and test installers
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue May 12 15:21:09 PDT 2009
Looks like its changed in more recent JDKs. More recent guidelines
from Apple are here:
and they say:
'Any Java application that uses AWT/Swing or is packaged in a
double-clickable application bundle is automatically launched with an
application menu similar to native applications in Mac OS X. This
application menu, by default, contains the full name of the main class
as the title. This name can be changed using the -Xdock:name
command-line property, or it can be set in the information property
list file for your application as the CFBundleName value. For more on
Info.plist files, see “A Java Application’s Information Property List
File.” '
So it sounds like setting CFBundleName in the Info.plist file for the
app is the way to go. If we support multiple JVM versions, we may
need to have conditional code that varies based on the JVM.
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
> Sweet! Thanks Matt. I didn't know that was possible from java.
> chad
> Matt Jones wrote:
>> Hi Chad,
>> In at least older versions of java for Mac OS X you could use:
>> System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true");
>> System.setProperty("com.apple.mrj.application.apple.menu.about.name",
>> "Kepler");
>> to change how the menus work. Maybe they changed it again, but this
>> used to work.
>> There's more info on making things more compatible with MacOS guidelines
>> here:
>> http://www.devdaily.com/blog/post/jfc-swing/making-java-swing-app-look-like-mac-app/
>> And for Java 1.3.x (including info about the 'About Kepler...' menu:
>> http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/JavaLP/JavaToMac/
>> Matt
>> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think we've talked about this before, but I think we need to re-name
>>> org.kepler.core.loader.Loader to something like
>>> org.kepler.core.loader.Kepler. The problem I'm currently seeing is that
>>> when we execute Kepler on the mac, the class name shows up in the menu
>>> bar
>>> as the application that is being run. I haven't found anyway around
>>> that,
>>> so I think it would look better to have org.kepler.core.loader.Kepler (or
>>> even, maybe take it out of the package, if that's possible, so that it's
>>> just 'Kepler' or maybe 'org.kepler.Kepler').
>>> What do you think?
>>> Also, I've uploaded an installer for Windows and an installer for OSX to
>>> http://dist.kepler-project.org/dist/Kepler-1.0Dev Please give them a try
>>> and let me know if you find any problems. They both include R in the
>>> installation. If you already have R, just uncheck the R installation.
>>> Note
>>> that I have not figured a non-hackish way to alter the path to put R on
>>> the
>>> path (Ben, is there a way we can do this so R doesn't have to be on the
>>> path?), so if you do install R and want the R workflows to work, you'll
>>> need to add R/bin to your path manually. I'm hoping to figure that one
>>> out
>>> soon. If you come across what you think is a bug, please try the same
>>> operation running Kepler from your local SVN directory first. If the bug
>>> happens in the installed version and the SVN version, it is not an
>>> installer
>>> bug. If you do find something that does work in SVN but not in the
>>> installed version, please create a new bug for it and make the bug block
>>> on
>>> bug 3949 so I can track them easier.
>>> Thanks!
>>> chad
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Matthew B. Jones
Director of Informatics Research and Development
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu Ph: 1-907-523-1960
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