[kepler-dev] Svn back up
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Sat May 9 07:31:38 PDT 2009
After our raid failure, Nick has restored SVN service. However, a few
commits were lost that occurred after the time of the backup. See the
attached log for a partial list. For those of you who committed or
updated on May 5 or 6, you should use care to not lose your changes by
backing up your svn working copy before running svn commands.
Everyone may need a fresh checkout if svn complains about your
revision number. Once you have an updated working copy, copy in any
changes you had committed on may 5-6, and then commit again.
This outage has pointed out the need for us to have an svn replica as
well as backups, so we will work to set up svn replication.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nick Brand <brand at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Date: Friday, May 8, 2009
Subject: lost commits
To: Matt Jones <jones at nceas.ucsb.edu>, Jim Regetz <regetz at nceas.ucsb.edu>
SVN is up. Here's a list of the commits made after the backup started
on May 5th (at 5:45p). I got it from my xchat logs. It covers most of
our SVN repos, but not everything.
Nick Brand :: System Administrator
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
University of California, Santa Barbara
805-892-2507 :: brand at nceas.ucsb.edu
Matthew B. Jones
Director of Informatics Research and Development
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu Ph: 1-907-523-1960
-------------- next part --------------
May 05 16:50:19 <irccat> __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 05 16:50:20 <irccat> / Kepler commit by leinfelder (r17824) 'use OrderedRecordToken - new in ptII! do an update! - so that data.frame columns can be accessed using indexes (as well as names)' \
May 05 16:50:20 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/r/src/org/ecoinformatics/seek/R/RExpression2.java /
May 05 16:50:21 <irccat> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 05 16:50:22 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 05 16:50:24 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 05 16:50:26 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 05 16:50:28 <irccat> ||----w |
May 05 16:50:30 <irccat> || ||
May 05 16:54:13 <irccat> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 05 16:54:14 <irccat> / Kepler commit by leinfelder (r17825) 'This demo is now working - moving it out of the "problems" directory. \
May 05 16:54:14 <irccat> | Minor annoyance: if the R script generates graphical output but the "Graphics Output" parameter is set to false, an X11 window pops up and displays the graphics. |
May 05 16:54:15 <irccat> | A possible "fix" would be to always set up a file-based graphics device and not give that as an option' |
May 05 16:54:16 <irccat> | A trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/ReadTable.xml |
May 05 16:54:20 <irccat> \ D trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/problems/ReadTable.xml /
May 05 16:54:23 <irccat> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 05 16:54:26 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 05 16:54:28 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 05 16:54:29 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 05 16:54:32 <irccat> ||----w |
May 05 16:54:34 <irccat> || ||
May 05 16:56:24 <irccat> _____________________________________________________________________________
May 05 16:56:24 <irccat> / Kepler commit by mcphillips (r17826) 'Removed support for basic Java types' \
May 05 16:56:25 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/comad/tests/workflows/composerTest.xml /
May 05 16:56:25 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 05 16:56:26 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 05 16:56:26 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 05 16:56:27 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 05 16:56:29 <irccat> ||----w |
May 05 16:56:32 <irccat> || ||
May 05 16:57:45 <irccat> _____________________________________________________________________________
May 05 16:57:45 <irccat> / Kepler commit by mcphillips (r17827) 'Removed support for basic Java types' \
May 05 16:57:45 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/comad/src/org/kepler/util/DefaultWorkflowContext.java /
May 05 16:57:46 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 05 16:57:46 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 05 16:57:47 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 05 16:57:47 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 05 16:57:49 <irccat> ||----w |
May 05 16:57:51 <irccat> || ||
May 05 16:58:25 <irccat> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 05 16:58:26 <irccat> / Kepler commit by mcphillips (r17828) 'Removed requirement that type be specified for data tokens in CollectionComposer' \
May 05 16:58:26 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/comad/src/org/kepler/util/CollectionXmlImporter.java /
May 05 16:58:27 <irccat> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 05 16:58:28 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 05 16:58:30 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 05 16:58:32 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 05 16:58:34 <irccat> ||----w |
May 05 16:58:36 <irccat> || ||
May 05 18:02:36 <irccat> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 05 18:02:37 <irccat> / Kepler commit by leinfelder (r17829) 'fixed the pairs() issue - likely had to do with adding row.names back to the DF object when constructing it in JRI' \
May 05 18:02:37 <irccat> | A trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/eml_Table_as_Record_R.xml |
May 05 18:02:38 <irccat> | A trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/multiport-dataframe-union-R.xml |
May 05 18:02:39 <irccat> | D trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/problems/eml_Table_as_Record_R.xml |
May 05 18:02:43 <irccat> \ D trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/problems/multiport-dataframe-union-R.xml /
May 05 18:02:45 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 05 18:02:48 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 05 18:02:50 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 05 18:02:52 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 05 18:02:54 <irccat> ||----w |
May 05 18:02:56 <irccat> || ||
May 05 22:23:47 <irccat> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 05 22:23:48 <irccat> / NCEAS Collaboration commit by jones (r80) 'Changes to support elimination of duplicates in the bibsonomy module. Still need to sort the records consistently.' \
May 05 22:23:50 <irccat> | U trunk/src/bibsonomy.client/bibsonomy/client/bibsonomy.pt |
May 05 22:23:56 <irccat> | U trunk/src/bibsonomy.client/bibsonomy/client/bibsonomy.py |
May 05 22:24:02 <irccat> \ U trunk/src/bibsonomy.client/bibsonomy/client/bibsonomy_api.py /
May 05 22:24:07 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 05 22:24:14 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 05 22:24:18 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 05 22:24:22 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 05 22:24:26 <irccat> ||----w |
May 05 22:24:30 <irccat> || ||
May 06 11:58:26 <irccat> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 11:58:26 <irccat> / Kepler commit by berkley (r17830) 'adding my own custom izpack jar file that creates a log of all the files that get added to the installer.' \
May 06 11:58:27 <irccat> | D trunk/modules/build-area/lib/izpack-standalone-compiler-4.2.1.jar |
May 06 11:58:27 <irccat> \ A trunk/modules/build-area/lib/izpack-standalone-compiler-4.3.0.jar /
May 06 11:58:28 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 11:58:31 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 11:58:33 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 11:58:35 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 11:58:38 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 11:58:40 <irccat> || ||
May 06 12:07:41 <irccat> _________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 12:07:41 <irccat> / Kepler commit by leinfelder (r17831) 'do not send blank lines to the R engine - it will crash!' \
May 06 12:07:42 <irccat> | D trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/problems/sampling_occurrenceData_ R.xml |
May 06 12:07:42 <irccat> | A trunk/modules/r/demos/JRI/sampling_occurrenceData_ R.xml |
May 06 12:07:43 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/r/src/org/ecoinformatics/seek/R/RExpression2.java /
May 06 12:07:43 <irccat> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 12:07:44 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 12:07:47 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 12:07:49 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 12:07:51 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 12:07:53 <irccat> || ||
May 06 12:12:15 <irccat> ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 12:12:15 <irccat> / Kepler commit by mcphillips (r17832) 'removed abbreviated names for data types and added support for complex tokens' \
May 06 12:12:16 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/comad/src/org/kepler/util/DefaultWorkflowContext.java |
May 06 12:12:16 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/comad/tests/workflows/composerTest.xml /
May 06 12:12:17 <irccat> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 12:12:20 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 12:12:22 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 12:12:24 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 12:12:26 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 12:12:29 <irccat> || ||
May 06 12:17:37 <irccat> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 12:17:37 <irccat> / Kepler commit by berkley (r17833) 'fixed a couple bugs in the installer that were taking it forever to run. also added a logger to the izpack Packager class so I can see what it's doing. Makes debugging much easier.' \
May 06 12:17:37 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/build.xml |
May 06 12:17:38 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/lib/izpack-standalone-compiler-4.3.0.jar |
May 06 12:17:39 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/Installer.java |
May 06 12:17:43 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/build-area/target/kepler-tasks.jar /
May 06 12:17:46 <irccat> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 12:17:49 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 12:17:51 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 12:17:53 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 12:17:55 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 12:17:57 <irccat> || ||
May 06 12:21:07 <irccat> _______________________________________________________________________
May 06 12:21:07 <irccat> / Kepler commit by berkley (r17834) 'fixed small bug in the logger' \
May 06 12:21:07 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/build-area/lib/izpack-standalone-compiler-4.3.0.jar /
May 06 12:21:08 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 12:21:08 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 12:21:09 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 12:21:10 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 12:21:13 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 12:21:15 <irccat> || ||
May 06 12:34:33 <irccat> ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 12:34:34 <irccat> / Kepler commit by leinfelder (r17835) 'do not send whitespace-filled lines to the R engine (trim them to check, move along or else you crash kepler)' \
May 06 12:34:34 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/r/src/org/ecoinformatics/seek/R/RExpression2.java /
May 06 12:34:35 <irccat> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 12:34:36 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 12:34:39 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 12:34:40 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 12:34:43 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 12:34:45 <irccat> || ||
May 06 12:52:37 <irccat> ____________________________________________________________________________
May 06 12:52:38 <irccat> / Kepler commit by welker (r17836) 'Better formatting workflow test output.' \
May 06 12:52:38 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/Publish.java |
May 06 12:52:39 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/Test.java |
May 06 12:52:39 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/TestWorkflow.java |
May 06 12:52:40 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/modules/Module.java |
May 06 12:52:40 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/test/WorkflowTest.java |
May 06 12:52:42 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/build-area/target/kepler-tasks.jar /
May 06 12:52:45 <irccat> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 12:52:46 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 12:52:48 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 12:52:50 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 12:52:52 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 12:52:54 <irccat> || ||
May 06 12:57:02 <irccat> ___________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 12:57:02 <irccat> / Kepler commit by welker (r17837) 'Making sure the test.log is deleted upon exit.' \
May 06 12:57:03 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/Test.java |
May 06 12:57:03 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/build-area/target/kepler-tasks.jar /
May 06 12:57:04 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 12:57:04 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 12:57:05 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 12:57:06 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 12:57:08 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 12:57:10 <irccat> || ||
May 06 13:41:13 <irccat> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 13:41:13 <irccat> / Kepler commit by berkley (r17838) 'simplified and re-organized the installer so that Ptolemy is shows separate (but required) from kepler. Ptolemy now has its own install.xml file which significantly reduces the size of the installer since only the needed ptolemy files are included instead of the whole module.' \
May 06 13:41:13 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/Installer.java |
May 06 13:41:15 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/build-area/target/kepler-tasks.jar /
May 06 13:41:20 <irccat> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 13:41:23 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 13:41:25 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 13:41:27 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 13:41:30 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 13:41:32 <irccat> || ||
May 06 13:41:57 <irccat> ______________________________________________________________________
May 06 13:41:58 <irccat> / Kepler commit by berkley (r17839) 'install file for ptolemy modules' \
May 06 13:41:58 <irccat> \ A trunk/modules/ptII/module-info/install.xml /
May 06 13:41:59 <irccat> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 13:41:59 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 13:42:00 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 13:42:00 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 13:42:02 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 13:42:04 <irccat> || ||
May 06 13:42:29 <irccat> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 13:42:29 <irccat> / Kepler commit by berkley (r17840) 'fixed the install file of windows R so the R installer will launch at the end of the kepler installer' \
May 06 13:42:30 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/r/module-info/install.xml /
May 06 13:42:30 <irccat> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 13:42:31 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 13:42:34 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 13:42:35 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 13:42:37 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 13:42:39 <irccat> || ||
May 06 14:56:34 <irccat> _________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 14:56:34 <irccat> / Kepler commit by barseghian (r17841) 'Add Outline tab' \
May 06 14:56:34 <irccat> | U trunk/modules/workflow-run-manager/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/configuration.xml |
May 06 14:56:34 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/workflow-run-manager/lib/config.xml /
May 06 14:56:35 <irccat> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 14:56:35 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 14:56:37 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 14:56:39 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 14:56:41 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 14:56:43 <irccat> || ||
May 06 15:30:37 <irccat> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 06 15:30:37 <irccat> / Kepler commit by leinfelder (r17842) 'Address nested commands and loops that use { and }. \
May 06 15:30:38 <irccat> | Multi-line commands within brackets need to be evaluated using the same call the re.eval(). |
May 06 15:30:38 <irccat> | Lines are concatenated without line breaks, but delimited by semi-colons. |
May 06 15:30:40 <irccat> | Also: no omitting mid-line comments from the commands so that they do not inadvertently comment out the rest of a nested command!' |
May 06 15:30:43 <irccat> \ U trunk/modules/r/src/org/ecoinformatics/seek/R/RExpression2.java /
May 06 15:30:46 <irccat> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 06 15:30:49 <irccat> \ ^__^
May 06 15:30:52 <irccat> \ (oo)\_______
May 06 15:30:53 <irccat> (__)\ )\/\
May 06 15:30:55 <irccat> ||----w |
May 06 15:30:57 <irccat> || ||
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