[kepler-dev] Can we create ordinary java component with out using kepler source code?

Edward A. Lee eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 29 07:39:42 PDT 2009

Rajan Saminathan wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> Can we create ordinary java component with out using kepler source 
> code?  Suppose it is possible  Can we
> run that component in kepler.
> Please Note: I didn't use kepler source to create component. can i run 
> that component in kepler.
> -- 
> Thank You!
> With Regards,
>        Rajan S.

What would it mean to run the component in Kepler?
I can think of several alternatives:

- Associate a port with each method of the class that the component
   is an instance of.  Xiaojun Liu created an actor (very experimental)
   called ClassWrapper (in $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib) that given a class
   creates a wrapper with one port per method.

- Execute a Runnable in a thread that doesn't interact with anything
   else in Kepler. This would be easy to do in the PN domain, but why
   do this?

- Use Kepler to visually represent imperative code doing ordinary
   method calls.  The "component" domain ($PTII/component) is a
   (very rough) start at an attempt to do this. This has never been
   finished in part because we really don't know what it means.

- Wrap some service provided by some object in a Kepler actor
   with input and output ports to provide data and get results.
   This is easy to do (in fact, many actors are exactly such
   wrappers). The Kepler web service actor is also an illustration
   of this.

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