[kepler-dev] [ExternalEmail] Loading custom actors to cache in latest trunk
Peter.Fitch at csiro.au
Peter.Fitch at csiro.au
Mon Jun 22 07:16:40 PDT 2009
Hi Guru,
If you use the latest trunk and now you will notice that there is now a button on the components pane where you can add sources. If you point to <moduleName>/kar (as discussed below) your actors will be loaded to the cache and visible in the search pane.
It looks also like the kar file format is changing as some of the workflows previously saved now do not load.
On 20/06/09 9:46 PM, "Siddeswara.Guru at csiro.au" <Siddeswara.Guru at csiro.au> wrote:
Hello Aaron,
I tried what you have said, unfortunately it doesn't work. Before I use to place all the xml and manifest file of custom actors into C:\modules.kepler\actors\resources\actors and it use to work fine.
I have noticed in the current trunk version when we run suing ant, it includes all the modules lib directories only into the path whereas before it use to include resources as well. Is this as to do something for missing cutom actors in the component library?
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 12:05:20 -0700
From: Aaron Schultz <aschultz at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] Loading custom actors to cache in latest
To: Peter.Fitch at csiro.au
Cc: kepler-dev at kepler-project.org
Message-ID: <4A369B70.4050203 at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hi Peter,
It should be OK to put the .xml file for your custom actor in the
<modulename>/resources/kar directory along with a manifest file.
The .xml file currently needs to have a <property name="semanticType00"
value="... /> tag within the actor in order for it to show up in the
component library. Although we are working to make that an unnecessary
addition in the future. I am guessing this is probably the problem you
are having?
If that isn't the problem try cleaning your cache using "ant
clean-cache" from the build-area and let me know if that works.
Also, the kars will be built into the <project
root>/configuration/<instance>/modules/<moduleName> directory instead of
the <moduleName>/kar directory in the near future.
Peter.Fitch at csiro.au wrote:
> Hi Developers
> I am trying to load my custom actors to the cache so that I can use the ontology searching to place them on the work canvas, them (rather than instantiate by class name). Previously you could place the manifest and .xml in <moduleName>/resources/actors/<actorName> and the kar file would automatically be generated and the actor loaded into the cache. This no longer seems to work and many of the changes look to be very recent. Looking at the code you now seem to need to put the manifest and .xml in <modulename>/resources/kar, kepler creates a directory <moduleName>/kar to put the kar file in, but it doesn't seem to be loaded in the cache.
> Am I missing something or any clues?
> Thanks
> Peter
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Peter Fitch
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