[kepler-dev] "getting started" questions

Kenneth Jones kennethjone at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 16:30:30 PDT 2009


Thanks for the timely and detailed response.

None of the actors display icons and the reason seems to be that I don't
have a svgIconDefaults.properties file in any of the projects in my
workspace.  I see that you have created a newer, more detailed, set of build
instructions and pointed to them in the most recent Kepler Newsletter.  I
think I'll wipe out my current workspace and start again from scratch using
the most current build instructions.  That may do the trick.

The fact that you are using OWL to categorize your actors opens up some
interesting possibilities.  Are you doing any reasoning over these
categories, or do you plan to do so?  Also, are there any plans to use OWL
to define the Kepler data type hierarchy?  Will the simpler method of
creating actor categories be built on top of this OWL ontology or are you
planning to remove the ontology and replacing it with something else?

One more question -- do you have a tentative release date for version 2.0?


-- Ken

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> See my responses below.
> Kenneth Jones wrote:
>> I would like to build a custom version of Kepler.  I have used the Kepler
>> build system (which is really great, btw) to download the latest version
>> from the svn repository and I've followed your tutorial and successfully
>> built the "Hello World" actor.  I now have four packages in my workspace:
>> hello-world
>> kepler-1.0
>> kepler-1.0-jar-tag
>> loader-for-kepler-1.0
>> Everything seems to work just fine except for one thing -- the actors
>> don't display icons.  They just show up as boxes with black borders and
>> white interiors.  Any idea what I did wrong and how to go about fixing it?
> Are you talking about the helloWorld actor or all of the actors in the
> actor library?  You can set icons in the file
> kepler-1.0/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/uiSVGIconMappingsByClass.properties
> You just need to provide the class name and the SVG icon you want to use.
>  You can also assign icons by LSID (if you have given your actor a unique
> LSID) with the file uiSVGIconMappingsByLSID.properties in the same
> directory.
>> One more question: I only want to display a subset of the Kepler actors
>> (and some others that I will create) and organize them in a taxonomy that is
>> different from the default Kepler taxonomy.  How do I go about creating a
>> custom taxonomy, filled with custom sets of actors and display it in the
>> Components tab of the Components and Data View of Vergil?
> We're currently in the process of making this easier, however it is
> currently not an easy thing to do (especially in Kepler 1.0).  The actor
> library is laid out using an ontology of the actors.  You can find the
> current ontologies in
> kepler-1.0/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/ontologies
> The ontology itself defines the categories into which the actors are
> placed.  Each actor then gives itself one or more semantic types which are
> defined in the ontology.  When the actor library is rendered, the actors are
> then placed into the categories for which they have a type defined.
> In order for you to make your own classification, you would need to create
> your own OWL ontology, then add semantic types to the actors you want to
> categorize that link into your custom ontology.
> Like I said, we're in the process of making this easier in the future
> Kepler 2.0 (or whatever the version turns out to be).  Let me know if you
> want further details.
> Thanks,
> chad
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