[kepler-dev] Passing arguments to Kepler
Jianwu Wang
jianwu at sdsc.edu
Thu Jul 23 08:53:22 PDT 2009
Hi Michal,
For Kepler.sh, you should be able to do like this: kepler.sh -runwf
-nogui -nocache -property1 value1 -property2 value2 -property3 value3
workflow.xml. For gui and cache choices:
-gui run with GUI support (default).
-nogui run without GUI support.
-cache run with kepler cache (default).
-nocache run without kepler cache.
Best wishes
Sincerely yours
Jianwu Wang
jianwu at sdsc.edu
Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
David Welker wrote:
> Hi Michal,
> I don't know about kepler.sh. However, using, the build system to
> either run Kepler or a workflow, it is possible to pass in either
> command-line arguments or properties that are then accessible from
> your program. For example:
> ant run -Dargs="arg1 arg2 arg3"
> or
> ant run -Dproperties=property1=value1,property2=value2,property3=value3
> You can also pass parameters (but you cannot use arguments) in the
> following commands:
> ant run-workflow
> ant run-workflow-no-gui
> ant run-workflow-no-gui-server
> ant run-workflow-no-cache
> If you must use kepler.sh instead of the build system to run Kepler or
> your workflows, perhaps someone more knowledgeable about kepler.sh
> could chime in...
> David
>> Dearl All,
>> is it possible to pass arguments into Kepler that will be available from
>> the workflow?
>> I want to do something like this:
>> shell>kepler.sh arg1 arg2 arg2
>> Then, I'd like to use these arguments within Kepler - something like
>> this:
>> $arg1
>> I have checked: ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication and it seems like this
>> class passes all unrecognized parameters into model - but I don't know
>> how to access it.
>> When I try to pass something into kepler.sh I get this error:
>> shell>./kepler argument
>> Command failed
>> Arguments: -kepler argument
>> java.lang.Exception: Failed to parse "-kepler argument"
>> at
>> ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplication.throwArgsException(MoMLApplication.java:584)
>> Regards
>> Michal
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