[kepler-dev] [Ptolemy] Re: IOPort.send() can now take a null token
Edward A. Lee
eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Dec 1 15:34:30 PST 2009
Good question. Sending null doesn't mean receiving null.
See if this documentation for the send() method makes it clear
(if not, we need to improve this):
In TypedIOPort:
/** Send a token to the specified channel, checking the type
* and converting the token if necessary.
* ...
* <p>
* If the token argument is null, then no token is sent.
* What this means exactly is domain dependent. In some domains
* (SR, Continuous), it asserts that the output is "absent."
* That is, {@link #isKnown(int)} will return true
* and {@link #hasToken(int)} will return false.
* In other domains (SDF, DE, PN), it simply does nothing.
* Nothing is sent. Hence, {@link #isKnown(int)}
* and {@link #hasToken(int)} will return whatever they would
* have returned before the call.
* <p>
* ...
public void send(int channelIndex, Token token)
throws IllegalActionException, NoRoomException {
Jia Zou wrote:
> Hi Edward,
> The get() method of IOPort has this:
> if (token == null) {
> throw new NoTokenException(this, "No token to return.");
> }
> If you are allowed to send a null token, then should this not be there
> anymore?
> Jia
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Edward A. Lee <eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
> <mailto:eal at eecs.berkeley.edu>> wrote:
> If you have written your own Receiver for a specialized
> domain, and that Receiver is not in the Ptolemy II tree,
> and you want your domain to work with other Ptolemy II
> domains such as SR and Continuous, you will want to read
> on. If not, then reading on might give you a headache...
> A demo in the continuous domain (HybridPlant) exposed
> a problem with the token transport mechanism in Ptolemy II
> (IOPort and Receiver). Not really a bug, but rather a
> mechanism that made it difficult to achieve domain
> polymorphism, and hence difficult to ensure that domains
> would play well together in arbitrary hierarchical combinations.
> The HybridPlant demo combines DE, modal models,
> and the continuous domain.
> The problem is that some actors that are non-strict (they
> can fire even when not all inputs are known) need to be able
> to assert that an output is "absent." Continuous is such a
> domain (as is SR). The mechanism we were
> using to achieve this was IOPort.sendClear(). However, the
> documentation for IOPort.sendClear() says this:
> * Set all destination receivers connected via the specified
> * to channel to have no token.
> This achieves the desired effect in SR and Continuous, but
> in domain where tokens are queued (DE, SDF, PN, etc.), it
> is disastrous. It introduces nondeterminism. Previously,
> it was up to an actor or director to ensure it was in a
> domain where this was safe before calling sendClear().
> Hence the lack of domain polymorphism.
> Specifically, FixedPointDirector was needing
> to characterize the directors within which it was enclosed.
> It was doing this incorrectly (forgot to think about
> FSMDirector), and hence the HybridPlant model was not
> working correctly.
> So I've introduced an alternative mechanism where a director
> writer doesn't have to reason about what domain his/her
> director sits within. IOPort.send()
> and IOPort.sendInside() can now accept a null token (they
> would previously throw an exception). Similarly, Receiver.put()
> can accept a null token. The documentation says this:
> * If a null token is specified, this is interpreted as an assertion
> * that no token is being sent. For some domains, specifically those
> * that queue tokens such as PN and SDF, this has no effect. For
> * others, specifically those that have a well-defined notion of
> * "absent" inputs such as SR, modal, and Continuous, sending a null
> * token corresponds to asserting that the inputs of destination
> * actors will be absent in this round.
> This change required touching quite a few files. I've gone
> over receivers in all domains in the Ptolemy II tree to ensure
> that put() and putToAll() can now accept a null token argument.
> If you have a domain not in the Ptolemy II tree, you should do
> the same, or else your domain will misbehave if you put inside
> it an SR or Continuous model.
> Edward
> This message is sent via the ptolemy-hackers mailing list, see
> https://lists.eecs.berkeley.edu/sympa/info/ptolemy-hackers
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