[kepler-dev] Tagging module - try it out

Kenneth Jones kennethjone at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 11:52:05 PDT 2009

Hi Sean,

I'm running on Windows Vista with the build that resulted from exactly
following the instructions you provided.  I have not update my code to
include anything new.

   - On Vista I noticed the same "View:" dropdown behavior Chad mentioned.
   (The label shows, but the dropdown doesn't.)
   - The "Tags:" dropdown looks fine on Vista, and the "Tag Manager" item
   shows at the top of the list of items in the dropdown menu.
   - I think it might be better to perform a case-insensitive search when
   the user types into the combo box.
   - It would be nice if you could dynamically resize the number of visible
   rows in the dropdown menu as the user modifies the search string.  For
   instance, if you type "Abs" into the combo box and then click the down
   arrow, the single matching item "Absence" is shown and the dropdown menu is
   just big enough to hold it.  At that point, if you hit the backspace key,
   then three other matches are added to the dropdown, but its size doesn't
   change -- you have to use the scrollbar to see them.  Hit backspace once
   more, leaving only the letter "A", and, of course, a large number of tags
   are included in the list, but still only a single tag is visible is the
   menu.  An alternative to dynamic resizing that I find equally appealing is
   simply to make the number of visible items on the dropdown fixed at some
   reasonable number, partially fill it when a small number of tags match the
   search string, and add scrollbars when there are a lot of matches.
   - I agree with Chad that there isn't much space on the toolbar.  It won't
   comfortable hold the combo box and the list of selected tags.  A separate
   dockable and detachable toolbar or a status bar at the bottom of the window
   might be the way to go.
   - I disagree with Chad about where to display the list of selected tags.
   I would like to see the list of tags displayed on the  dockable/detachable
   toolbar or status bar, but I would like the list to display those tags
   assigned to the currently selected object(s) (actors, ports, workflows,
   reports, etc.).  The list would change when the user changes the selected
   objects(s).  If the user clicks on on the background of the workspace window
   the list of tags assigned to the workspace will be displayed.  If multiple
   objects are selected the displayed list would contain only those tags that
   are assigned to every object selected (the intersection of the sets of tags
   assigned to each of the objects).
   - I would like to use Kepler to define the procedural elements in a
   knowledge-based system and I anticipate using a large number of tags defined
   in multiple ontologies that are mapped to one another.  I think it will be
   very difficult to deal with all the class names in a single namespace.  I
   think I'll have problems with name collisions as well as an unmanagably
   large list of tags.  So the whole idea of a combo box with a simple list of
   tags is a great place to start, but I would like to see it grow into
   something much more.  I would like to be able to select an ontology from a
   list and choose a class/tag from a tree that is based on the class/subclass
   relations defined in that ontology.  One simple approach to the
   implementation of this capability would be to eliminate the combo box and
   create a context menu containing an item that is labeled "Add All Selected
   Components" that is displayed when you right-click on non-leaf items in the
   "All Ontologies and Folders" window in the "Components" page shown to the
   left of the workspace window.  You could dynamically change the wording  to
   something more appropriate like "Add Workspace" when the workspace is
   selected.  This content menu item would correspond to the "Remove Component"
   content menu item that is displayed when the user right-clicks on an actor
   icon in that same window.
   - In the future it might be nice to create mappings between OWL instances
   and specific instances of Kepler objects and between OWL property
   types/property instances and user-created channel types/channel instances.
   Also, I'd like to be able to create new data/token types and create
   classifications for them.  But, the class mapping you are working on is the
   most important thing in the beginning.

What you have created so far is outstanding!  I think coupling
Kepler/Ptolemy component-based models with ontologies opens a new world of
possibilities.  I have been experimenting with Ptolemy since its pre-Java
days and I've wanted to do something like this for a very long time
(originally I was thinking in terms of simple semantic networks coupled to
components, resulting in a frame-like knowledge-based system), but I never
had the time to really accomplish anything along these lines.  It's really
wonderful to see you building a framework that would be so well-suited to
provide a foundation for the sort of thing I'd like to do.  Please keep me
posted on new capabilities as you develop them and I'll will gladly test
them on Vista.

-- Ken

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:

> Hey Sean,
> I just tried it out.  It's working for me.  I'm sure you're still changing
> things, but I'll just point out the stuff I noticed and you can ignore
> anything I say that you already know needs addressing:
> * When I add tags, it pushes the "View" dropdown off of the panel.
> * IMO, tags should be added to the workflow canvas itself instead of to the
> toolbar since you are actually tagging the workflow.
> * The "Tags:" dropdown is really ugly on the mac.  It is just a big white
> box with a blue arrow next to it.
> * Since there is very little room on the toolbar to begin with, I think we
> need to put tagging in its own toolbar or maybe in a floating tool window.
> * I tried to run this from the command line and it failed.  I dug around
> and you are still overriding org.kepler.Kepler.  There are tons of changes
> we made to that for the WRP module and for command line compatibility in
> general.  Your version of that class does not include any of our changes.
>  If you need to make major changes to this class, we should incorporate some
> extension hooks to do what you need to do instead of overriding the whole
> class.
> * Where is the "tag manager"?  I couldn't find the menu item for it.
> Thanks,
> chad
> Sean Riddle wrote:
>> I wanted to let people know that I've made a bunch of changes to the new
>> tagging functionality, and I want people to put it through its paces and
>> critique it a bit. You can still only tag workflows, but the UI for doing so
>> is much improved. Just enter a tag and hit enter, and it will be shown as a
>> text bubble. Deletion of a tag is also easy. Basically, it looks quite
>> similar to tagging with Gmail. The buttons in the tag manager still don't
>> work, though, and I'll be working on that in the trunk, so I've tagged a
>> copy for people to try. Instructions follow:
>> Check out build system:                                                svn
>> co http://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
>> Check out tagging module tag:
>>  svn co http://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/tags/tagging-3Aug2009tagging
>>                                                                    cd
>> build-area
>> Get tagging module dependencies and setup modules.txt correctly:
>>  ant change-to -Dsuite=tagging
>>                                                                    ant run
>> - Sean
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