[kepler-dev] am using KFlexServer-1.0.1 to run the workflow in browser. any one let me know what is the URL to run this.
Christopher James Tuot
christopher.tuot at dfki.de
Mon Apr 27 00:30:06 PDT 2009
Hi Rajan,
There is no JSP to configure the KFlexServer. Configuration steps are
explained here:
Please pay attention to the fact that you cannot directly execute
standard Kepler Workflows using the KFlexServer:
> Limitations:
> The inputs and outputs of the Kepler Workflows must be prototyped
> using the Kepler actors:
> * KeplerWebServiceInput
> * KeplerWebServiceOuput
> This is necessary since Input/Output types in Kepler are not
> specific enough to genereate the wsdl automatically.
You first need to prototype your Inputs/Outputs for the WSDL generation.
Moreover, currently only basic actors without fancy GUI configuration
are supported.
I will put a simple example workflow on the Wiki asap.
Best regards,
Christopher Tuot
On 24.04.2009, at 21:00, kepler-dev-request at kepler-project.org wrote:
> am using KFlexServer-1.0.1 to run the workflow in browser.
> any one let me know what is the URL to run this.
> From: Rajan Saminathan <rajan.saminathan at mimos.my>
> Date: 24. April 2009 11:57:48 MESZ
> To: Christopher Brooks <cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu>
> Cc: "kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org" <kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org>
> Subject: [kepler-dev] I am using KFlexServer-1.0.1 to run the
> workflow in browser. any one let me know what is the URL to run this.
> Dear Sir,
> I am Using KFlex server application to run the workflow in
> Browser. I was download OpenSource-KFlexServer-1.0.1.war file and I
> paste into tomcat 6.0 in webapps folder. Then I started tomcat
> server to deploy the war file. Now I don't know what is the welcome
> page or URL to call the jsp file.
> Any one let me know what is the URL to run in browser.
> Thank You!
> With Regards,
> Rajan S.
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Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Tuot
DFKI GmbH (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence)
Knowledge Management Department
POBox 2080, 67608 Kaiserslautern, Germany
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mail: christopher.tuot at dfki.de
web: http://www.dfki.de
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Firmensitz: Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
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