[kepler-dev] Kepler-1.0.0beta2 release

Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Jul 31 11:34:53 PDT 2006

Hi All,
    Kepler-1.0.0beta2 is now available on the kepler web site 
(www.kepler-project.org). There are only minor changes changes from the 
beta1 release, but there may be major changes in startup time. There was 
a problem with one of the actors in the beta1 release trying to contact 
a server at launch; if this server was down, the launch could take a 
very long time! In addition, one of the actor ontologies that had been 
in beta1 has been removed.

Dan Higgins - NCEAS

Dan Higgins                                  higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195

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