[kepler-dev] Reg. ptolemy Jar files

Sivagowri Swaminathan sivagowri at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 11 08:27:41 PDT 2006

Hi Matt and christopher

Thanks for your feed back. I deleted the whole ptlemy files, got a fresh 
copy from CVS and found that the .classpath.default exists in the PTII 
directory. I used Eclipse and created the project and built it.
I had only one error in the package ptolemy.backtrack.plugin.util 

getRefactoredFile method:

This method was using java String class' replace method for replacing two 
Strings whereas the replace method is only for characters.

after getting around from this, I was able to build ptolemy. The buld was 
successful but unfortunately, I got all the jars in the PTII\lib directory 
except for ptolemy.jar and ptolemy-doc.jar.

I even ran ptolemy from the eclipse environment and it worked fine.

am I missing anything? why doesnt the ptolemy.jar file get built even though 
the build was successful?

Then I tried cygwin method.

I typed ./configure and again I got the same two errors regarding the 
installation of  java3d and quicktime. Not sure why configure did not 
exclude the ptolemy.domains.gr and the othe rdirectories.

I tried to use ant ptolemy by
cd $kepler as well as $PTII but I got an error saying, command not found.

so right now, I want to use the eclipse method to get ptolemy built, so as 
to get kepler built.

can you please help me out of this situation? I have a deadline by tomorrow.


>From: "Christopher Brooks" <cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu>
>To: "Sivagowri Swaminathan" <sivagowri at hotmail.com>
>CC: kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
>Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] Reg. ptolemy Jar files Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 
>08:10:31 -0700
>Hi Sivagowri,
>To build ptolemy for kepler, you need to run
>   cd $KEPLER
>   ant ptolemy
>To build ptolemy in Eclipse, see
>   http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptexternal/nightly/doc/coding/eclipse.htm
>Basically, you should be able to copy
>   $PTII/.classpath.in to .classpath.default
>   Install cygwin and run configure.
>There are probably Eclipse instructions for Kepler
>on the Kepler site, I did not look.
> > My question is, cant we not just get the jar files of ptolemy from CVS 
> > some other source, instead of building from scratch?
>You could try one of the prebuilt kepler builds.
>As to checking in jar files, in principle this could be done, but it
>would consume time to set up and disk space.  It is better for
>people to use the snapshots, which are more likely to actually work.
>To me, the problem is that I want to run the latest version
>of both Kepler and Ptolemy, so prebuilt Ptolemy jar files would
>not help.
> >    1.should I have to install java3d and quicktime?
>No, you need not install these.
>When building Ptolemy, configure should have properly excluded
>the ptolemy.domains.gr directory if Java3D was not found.  If
>quicktime is not found, then ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.quicktime
>gets excluded.  I'll take a look.
>Use the regular Eclipse way of excluding files and directories
>from the classpath
>For Kepler, the easiest thing is to run
>     ant ptolemy
> >    2. I got all the remaining jars in ptii\lib directory but not 
> >    and ptolemy-doc.jar is there any way I could make it to build?
>The Kepler ant build copies files and then jars them, which I find
>very slow.  It would be a really nice if there was an easy way to use 
>with a Ptolemy tree without build the jar files.  I've hacked up the
>ant build files to do this, but had various problems with classpaths
>so not checked in my changes.
>So, if you want to build Kepler, you need to run
>     ant ptolemy
>Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
>Programmer/Analyst Chess/Ptolemy/Trust        US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
>ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2739	      Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
>home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480  (office: 400A Cory)
>     Hi all
>     I am trying to set up the kepler development environment in my machine 
>     home.(windows XP)
>     I noticed that you need Ptolemy jar files in the eclipse environment 
>     kepler to build. I downloaded ptolemy from CVS and found that there is 
>     .classpath.default file at all.
>     Without losing hope, I installed cygwin (after 2-3 tries) and typed
>     ./configure
>     It produced 2 errors relating to java 3D and java Quicktime 
>     I am not using eclipse, as it produced too much errors.
>     My question is, cant we not just get the jar files of ptolemy from CVS 
>     some other source, instead of building from scratch?
>     1.should I have to install java3d and quicktime?
>     2. I got all the remaining jars in ptii\lib directory but not 
>     and ptolemy-doc.jar is there any way I could make it to build?
>     It would be really helpful for me if somebody could answer this email 
>     tomorrow, as I have to show a demo on wednesday.
>     Thanx
>     Siva
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>     Kepler-dev mailing list
>     Kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org

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