[kepler-dev] actors with token rate via parameter
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at ucdavis.edu
Mon Nov 28 22:00:14 PST 2005
Thanks Laura! I was suspecting (hoping actually :-) that this would be
part of the suggested changes ..
>>> On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 13:39:22 -0700
>>> "Laura L. Downey" <ldowney at lternet.edu> wrote:
LLD> Bertram writes:
LLD> - I haven't followed in detail the usability suggestions made by Laura for
LLD> Kepler, but I would guess that showing actor and port parameter in a
LLD> (possiblity tabbed) window together (albeit clearly delimited) might be a
LLD> good idea for some applications/users.
LLD> Yes, that is being accounted for -- within the proposed tabbed dialogs
LLD> for actors, directors and workflows, there is a parameters tab. And within
LLD> the proposed actor tabbed dialog, there is a parameter tab and a ports tab.
LLD> This is being done so there is one dialog to go to for an actor, workflow or
LLD> director where everything about that object can be viewed and/or configured
LLD> in one place. These dialogs were identified as a primary priority by a
LLD> group of us that prioritized the UI issues to deal with in the next release.
LLD> See: http://kepler-project.org/Wiki.jsp?page=WorkflowDirectorAndActorDialogs
LLD> As a related note, there will also be an annotations tab too so users can
LLD> easily see how an actor is annotated and users can also view port
LLD> annotations from the ports tab.
LLD> Laura L. Downey
LLD> Senior Usability Engineer
LLD> LTER Network Office
LLD> Department of Biology, MSC03 2020
LLD> 1 University of New Mexico
LLD> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
LLD> 505.277.3157 phone
LLD> 505.277-2541 fax
LLD> ldowney at lternet.edu
LLD> -----Original Message-----
LLD> From: kepler-dev-bounces at ecoinformatics.org
LLD> [mailto:kepler-dev-bounces at ecoinformatics.org] On Behalf Of Bertram
LLD> Ludaescher
LLD> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 11:30 AM
LLD> To: Edward A. Lee
LLD> Cc: ptolemy-hackers at bennett.EECS.Berkeley.EDU; kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
LLD> Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] actors with token rate via parameter
LLD> I looked at UpSample and noted that its input port has a fixed
LLD> 'tokenConsumptionRate' of 1, while its output port has
LLD> 'tokenProductionRate' equal to 'factor'.
LLD> Since 'factor' is an (actor) parameter, the ouput production rate can
LLD> be changed via factor.
LLD> Is this the "recommended" way of dealing with token rates? That is,
LLD> often they are fixed, but in special cases they might are mutable, and
LLD> if so this is indicated by "elevating" them to actor parameters!?
LLD> Some further questions and comments:
LLD> - I haven't followed in detail the usability suggestions made by Laura
LLD> for Kepler, but I would guess that showing actor and port parameter in
LLD> a (possiblity tabbed) window together (albeit clearly delimited) might
LLD> be a good idea for some applications/users.
LLD> - Also being able to express parameter constraints (mandatory ones, as
LLD> well as "recommended" ones, and even plain English comments) might be
LLD> useful.
LLD> Bertram
LLD> PS In Ptolemy, I *eventually* found 'upSample', but was missing the
LLD> Kepler quick-search function. Conversely, in Kepler, using
LLD> quick-search I quickly found that 'upSample' was (probably)
LLD> absent. Clearly, one wants the best of both worlds... :-)
LLD> Maybe quick-search and some of the (planned) dynamic actor repository
LLD> stuff will make it into Ptolemy later (or if Ptolemy hackers help,
LLD> sooner :-)
LLD> (which I found after a bit of search in Ptolemy
LLD> -- but not using t
>>> On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 08:02:11 -0800
>>> "Edward A. Lee" <eal at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
EAL> At 07:00 PM 11/22/2005 -0800, Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I was wondering whether there are some actors in Ptolemy or Kepler
>>> that have *parameters* for
>>> (a) the token consumption rate, and/or
>>> (b) the token production rate
>>> If so, I'd like to use them for instructional purposes (of SDF)
EAL> Sure, there are several:
EAL> - UpSample
EAL> - DownSample
EAL> - Chop
EAL> - Repeat
EAL> - SequenceToArray
EAL> - SequenceToMatrix
EAL> ...
EAL> The following have production/consumption rates that
EAL> depend on the width parameter of a linked relation:
EAL> - Commutator
EAL> - Distributor
EAL> Edward
EAL> ------------
EAL> Edward A. Lee
EAL> Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
EAL> 231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
EAL> phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845
EAL> eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal
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